He's Leaving me

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3rd POV

After that Jungkook grew attached to Tata to say the least, even in the following days he didn't make snark remarks in his head but instead gave into to Tata's pretend conversations.

It has been 2 weeks since their first interaction and Tata has become more touchy for example right before he leaves he pats Jungkook's head goodnight or he would just randomly play with Jungkook's fingers while he rambled. 

Jungkook now can't listen to his tiger ramble without him playing with his fingers or sleep without his good night head pat.

It is safe to say Jungkook who was once a scary and touch-hating mafia has become soft for this boy.

During their usually conversations, Tata would be sassy, funny and his usually weird bubbly self sometimes making fun of Jungkook calling him ''The Great Mafia Jeon''.

While Jungkook got over all the pain and betrayal he felt before instead he was even more motivated to wake up to get back upon his throne and show those people who think too highly of themselves real power.

Jungkook POV

I was waiting for that kid to come and visit me. I have been recovering quite quickly because my condition wasn't that serious. Now I can move my hand just a little bit. 

To think I will get better soon and I can finally have a normal conversation with Tata!

I was interrupted by the door opening and the familiar scent of Chrysanthemum entered along with Tata.

''Hey Jungkook'' 

What's going on.......he never calls me by my name?

''I am gonna be leaving for a while.''

What do you mean.........a while? That sounds like your leaving for good.

There was a bitter feeling in my chest and a numb feeling on my tongue when thinking of that possibility.

''I will be leaving for a while because my time is up I can't visit patients anymore. I really wish I could talk with you more Mr.Rabbit, but you know what I am glad you were my last patient.''

You can't leave! Something happened didn't it? what happened? you wouldn't leave me alone! aren't we friends?!

''You are recovering fast I am sure you will be out of here soon.''

I wanted so bad to scream at him to tell him not to go.

3rd POV

Tata looked at the sleeping boy whose eyebrows were knitted together.

He smiled softly going towards Jungkook's bed. Hands cupping Jungkook's cheeks. Making him shudder a bit because his hands were colder than yesterday.

''I really do love these fluffy cheeks hehe.......It's gonna be ok, keep fighting ok Jungkook-shii.''

'Stop calling me Jungkook why don't you call me some stupidly cute nickname like always!''

'This is a dream right! You can't leave'

'Jungkook come on do something! stop him! DON'T GO PLEASE!'

Jungkook tried so hard to move even a little bit to stop Tata but his body wasn't responding and from his struggle, warm tears trickled down his face.

''Ow don't cry please.....''

Tata wipes Jungkook's tears with a soft yet sad smile.

''Here's what I will come back and we will have a real chat one where you actually respond haha ok bunny and when we meet I will give you the biggest warmest hug I can muster.''

Jungkook was screaming in his head, eyebrows in a constant knitted form...........then he felt Tata's hands being removed all he could get out was a sorry excuse for a cry out his lips. The sudden sound startling Tata but he smiled even more knowing Jungkook is almost better.

Tata stopped by the door looking back with guilt.

''My name is Kim Taehyung....don't find me.''

Taehyung left the room.

Jungkook was alone again.

All alone.

'You promised I wouldn't be alone why did you promise if you couldn't keep it!?''

Jungkook was all alone in a room of vanilla and his thoughts.

*Authors Note*

Tata and Jungkook conversed by Tata asking questions and Jungkook slightly squeezing his hand or moving his fingers that's why Tata plays with his fingers while rambling.

Smereldo Tales Vol 2 / Taekook (Taehyung and Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now