The Daily

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*WARNING mention of suicide*

Jungkook POV 

I. want. to. DIE. 

That irritating patient spoke to me all of yesterday and only left right before the nurse came to check up on me. What a troublesome patient even memorized the nurses schedule to pull his stunts *scoff*.

I hope he doesn't come today I really can't take anymore chatting today.

Just as I was grumbling to myself I heard the door open and a sweet smell of vanilla rushed through the room.

What's this he didn't smell this way yesterday he smelt more like Chrysanthemum??

''Hey Mr.Rabbit can you smell this??''

Yes I can but what is it thou??

''I just brought some flowers for you they are called Tumbelina Petunias (the flower a the top) they have a really sweet and strong smell of vanilla. I bought it for you because it can help you know what time it is! For example, right now it's morning the smell is not that strong but at night the sweet vanilla scent is amplified so you can tell if it's day or night.''

Well i guess that can be helpful I guess.............*smirk* wait does that mean he not gonna visit sometimes so he wants the plant to keep me company hahaha MARVELOUS!     (How did he even come up with this conclusionಠ_ಠ)

3rd POV

Tata placed the small vase of flowers right by his bedside table looking at the pretty flowers.

''You know Tumbelinas are my favorite it's just so beautiful. Their floriography means soothing nature I guess that's why I love them, that and they come in purple.''

'Purple for a boy that's the first.'

''I know what you're thinking what kind of guy likes purple? Well I like it''

Tata pouted before he continued,

''I also made up a meaning for it too.'' He said very proudly.

'So you're just out here giving colours meanings waw you must be a patient you have so much free time.''

''Purple means I will love and trust you for a long time.''

Tata spoke with fondness a small smile playing on his lips.

'That's a stupid meaning.'

Jungkook was being salty even though deep down he found it cute that the young boy would give a colour such an innocent meaning.

''I know it's  a really pretty meaning and the thing is it doesn't just apply to one kind of love it applies to all types families, friends, lovers even pets!'' 

Tata continued to talk about his clever meaning of purple with a smile never leaving his lips, his elbows on Jungkook's bed, chin resting in the palm of his hands while Jungkook just listened although he wouldn't admit it it was cute the way Tata talked in such fondness about a single colour.

And that's how their days went Tata talking about random things and his inner thoughts while Jungkook slowly came to terms with the friendly kid slowly beginning to enjoy his presence because it was quieter than he would like when the talkative tiger wasn't there.

It's been a week since then and Tata has been punctual every day visiting him then leaving around the time the nurses did their rounds checking on patients.

But today was different.

Jungkook was waiting for Tata to come through the door. Although he was unresponsive he kind of got the concept of time thanks to the flowers Tata placed by his bead head,  Tata always came by when the scent of the flowers was not as strong and left when the scent filled his room helping him to sleep in peace when he left.

Jungkook POV

I guess he's not coming today............guess I get to take a break.

Finally some peace and quiet.

3rd POV

This went on until the strong smell of vanilla filled the room along with Jungkook's slight longing for his friend worried something happened to him.

The next day Tata didn't come in the morning again.

Jungkook wasn't doing well, he got a little taste of life without this kid was like and he didn't like it, because throughout the day Jungkook couldn't help but feel cold and lonely. The only sound taking refuge in his room was the buzzing of the air condition and the distant foot steps of patients and nurses outside his door.

He didn't like this not one bit.

He didn't like not having the boy's annoying yet soothing voice distracting him from the black hue surrounding him in a meaningless hug.

He didn't like this silent and peaceful room.

Jungkook POV



Umm I should make him say with me all day instead of-  ahhh he already practically stays with me all day!

He better come tomorrow! yeah I will give him until tomorrow to come yeah! and if he doesn't then I will think about his punishment then. *huff*

I sulked letting the vanilla perfume fill the room yet this time it felt different it wasn't soothing but depressing.

The smell died down indicating that it was a new day more precisely around morning.

Will he come today?

Will it be a quiet as yesterday?

Ahhh Jeon Jungkook what's up with you getting attached to this kid! Besides I don't even know his real name Hoseok is probly already looking for me I will leave here sooner or later.

But I don't want to leave him....what is he even doing at this hospital? I have talked with him for roughly a week now- wait don't tell me he got better and lef-

Just then I heard the door opening then closing heels clacked on the floor as I heard them sit down in Tata's chair.


 Then my thoughts were cut off by a familiar hand poke my cheeks...........


Smereldo Tales Vol 2 / Taekook (Taehyung and Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now