Chapter 6: Start?

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Seokjin stirred a bit, slowly opening his eyes, his head buzzing. The room was dimly lit by the light of the fireplace, the moonlight adding a bit more clarity. Jin could tell he wasn't in his room.
His mind felt a bit foggy, probably because of how long he'd been unconscious for.

Soft breathing sounds resonated through the room, making the presence of others known to him. Jin's hand was intertwined with Namjoon's, the alpha sitting on the floor, asleep leaning against the bed. It was evident the younger was fully exhausted.

They weren't alone, though. The other members were present, too, all passed out.

Jungkook and Taehyung were asleep on the rocking chair, cuddled up together. And Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin were curled up by the fireplace, the three snuggling against each other.

Seokjin tried sitting up, accidentally knocking the books of the table beside him, the movement waking up Namjoon and the sound startling the others.
In a spilt second, all the members were surrounding him, checking to make sure he's okay.

Taehyung and Jimin tightly hugged him, nearly knocking the air out of the elder but he didn't mind. It was evident they were worried.

All of them had slept on alert. They had been worried sick. It wasn't every day that someone took a hit like that.

''Guys, can't.... breathe....'' Jin huffed out, the two younger ones letting him go, grinning sheepishly.

''Are you okay, hyung?'' Taehyung asked, concern lacing his voice. Jin nodded, smiling.

Jungkook knelt before him, kissing the back of his hand then touching it to his cheek.

''Please don't scare us like that again, hyung.'' He held the elder's hands, staring at him, looking like a little bunny. Jin patted his head lovingly. Jungkook was just as attached to Jin as he used to be as a kid, the concern and love still not gone. They shared a bond like a child to a parent, Jin having basically raised the younger. Hoseok knelt beside Jungkook, kissing the back of Seokjin's hand, an indication of love and respect. Yoongi followed his actions.
The bond they all shared with each other was evident. They were each other's lifeline, each one holding a special place in each other's lives.

Seokjin could evidently see the exhaustion in their eyes. He smiled at all of them, knowing they needed rest.

''You guys should go and sleep. We have a tiresome day coming up. We'll meet tomorrow.''

''But hyung- ''

''It is an order. Leave, all of you. Don't show me your face until you're well rested.'' Jin cut off Taehyung, knowing very well the younger would've argued otherwise. They all bowed, obeying as it was an order from their Luna.

Hoseok stood beside Jimin, talking to him as Taehyung hugged Jin. Meeting his eyes, Hoseok averted his gaze from Jin, bowing and walking out with the rest of them.
Now, it was only Seokjin and Namjoon left in the room. The alpha had been silent the entire time. Jin sighed.

''Won't you say anything?'' He asked his mate.

''What should I say?" Namjoon sighed. ''Your life is a mess and I'm responsible for that... What else is there to say? You've been hurting since we got married.''

Seokjin chuckled, bitterness peeking through. He scooted over, motioning the alpha to sit beside him. Leaning back against the headrest, Jin fidgeted with his fingers, staring at nothing in particular.

''It isn't actually entirely your fault.... But then, you're not totally unblamed either, Namjoon. Not only you, I have my part in this so, we're equals. You messed up my life, I messed up yours.'' Namjoon was kinda speechless at how easily and monotonously Jin stated the words, not even a hint of emotion in his voice.

''Seokjin, I- ''

''I told you. Stop beating your mind over it. Your 'father', or step-father as we might call him, doesn't like me. I know that and I don't give a fuck. Do I look like I care about Jason's opinion about me?'' He raised an eyebrow at the alpha. The younger shook his head.

''I know you don't. I don't either- ''

''Really? You don't care about what he says? Oh please! Cut the crap. Just because I'm not dead yet doesn't mean you don't care, Kim. More so that, the only reason you didn't reject me was because you didn't want the burden of someone's death on you, especially not your mate's.'' Jin gave him a venomously sweet, fake smile.

''Jin...'' Namjoon sighed. ''Will you please get to the point? You're implying to something I can't understand so please, enlighten me.'' At this point, he was desperate. These everyday problems were getting on his nerves and he just wanted answers.

''Are you really so blind, Namjoon?! Can't you see me breaking every single day? Can't you see that I can't take this anymore?! I AM A HUMAN WITH FEELINGS! I'M NOT A MACHINE! I can't be the only one trying to hold everything together, alone, anymore! I'd rather a final death than to die every moment and with every breath!'' The omega's voice was shaking with all the pent-up emotion

Namjoon stayed still, not knowing what to say. Seokjin was correct in his place. The elder was suffering due to him. That was the absolute truth and Namjoon knew that, hence he couldn't say anything because there wasn't anything to say.

Taking a breath he started, ''Jin, you're not alone in this. It's both of us together. Please...''

''Really?'' The elder chuckled darkly, his voice broken and raspy, eyes red and teary. ''But you said we're a mistake. Then how're we in this? You've already left me alone! You called us a mistake! Something I held so dear was a mistake to you, Namjoon! You could've better yet just rejected me!''

''SEOKJIN WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!'' The alpha snapped, finally going over the edge.

''CLAIMING ME WAS A FUCKING MISTAKE TO YOU! WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY?!'' His voice broke as he sobbed hard. ''You r-r-regretted m-mating.... mating me... It was... it was a mistake t-t-to y-you...''

By now, Seokjin was crying hard, his arms wrapped around himself. His breaths were coming out ragged, not enough oxygen reaching him. Jin was exhausted mentally and physically and crying so much was taking a toll on him.

Can't things be better already?

Namjoon on the other hand was dumfounded. He instantly regretted yelling at the omega, his heart clenching at the elder's broken sobs. Jin wasn't a person who cried often, or easily. He was always sturdy and tolerant and a ball of happiness and optimism. Seeing him so broken, and knowing he's the reason for it was crushing the alpha.

Feelings arms around him, Jin tried to push the alpha away but the younger resisted, letting the elder hit him till he gave up. Seokjin kept sobbing, his face hidden in his mate's chest.

''I can't do this anymore... I don't want this... Please......'' He kept crying, hands clenched into fists.

''Jin... Listen to me... Look at me...'' Namjoon lifted his mate's face gently, the elder's glossy, tear brimmed brown eyes meeting his own. He gently wiped the tears with his thumb, caressing the elder's cheeks.

''I am so sorry... I'm so so so sorry... I didn't... I didn't know you'd think like this. I promise it's not how you thought... I didn't mean that having you as my mate, or claiming you is a mistake, Seokjin... It was the circumstances, not the action itself. How can we be a mistake? We're fated, you're my destiny!'' At this point, Namjoon didn't care what the hell was to happen next, because there was no way he would let this shit go on any longer. It was long overdue that he finally rebelled against his so called stepfather. He had to fix all the problems they've been in all this time.

''Then... Then why did-d y-you apologize?''

''Because I am an idiot.'' The alpha sighed. ''For two reasons. One being the part that I didn't ask for consent. I wasn't in total senses and I had no idea how far you'd be willing to go. I mean, the last time I'd even kissed you was our wedding and the only time we can properly talk is when we'd all hang out together. And two... because well... I'm stupid.'' The alpha pursed his lips, Jin chuckling through his sobs at the younger's words. The soft chuckle from his mate brought a small, but surely genuine smile to Namjoon's lips as he watched his mate fondly. How, he so badly wants to show Seokjin how much he loves him, but has to hold back every time.

''I love you, Jin...''

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