Harrowing tradition

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Y/N's POV:

A/N: This chapter Y/N meets Nicholas btw


It was a couple of days after the trial and Ros, Susie, Harvey, Sabrina and I were all at Dr Cerberuses arguing about movies and what they were about, "No, no, no. The Fly is about body dysmorphia." Susie declared. Harvey's arm was around Sabrina, "Isn't it about a guy who turns into a giant fly?" Harvey said confused. "The original, yes." Sabrina started and I finished. "But Cronenburg said his remake was a metaphor for STDs...don't ask me how I know that, it's a long story," I said the last part quietly and pointing at Susie. 

She nodded in agreeance with me. "Guys," Roz said speaking up about something unrelated. "What are we doing this weekend?" She asked. "Well, my dad is going to the Farm Expo for three days, so I'm stuck at home by myself," Susie explained that she was going to be home alone. "Ooh! Lets' have a girls night!" She said excitedly. Susie's face looked unsure, "Come on, Susie, please?" Roz asked desperately. "My mom and dad are trying to get me to lead this youth group at their church this weekend. Staying with you would give me the perfect excuse not to do that." Roz asked again desperately. Susie shook her head, "I dunno, Roz." 

"Brina, N/N, you two in?" She asked looking towards us. I was sitting in the chair next to Harvey and Sabrina, "Actually, we'll be gone at the expo too this weekend." I said thinking of an excuse and pointing to both of us. "We're helping our Aunt Hilda sell her honey," Sabrina said adding on to my excuse. "Wait, Sabrina, you're not gonna be gone the entire expo, are you?" Harvey asked alarmed. "Yeah, I am." She said quietly. It was kind of awkward silence and I looked at Susie and Roz awkwardly, "But, I have a coping strategy. Whenever I'm really missing you, I'll hold you close to my heart." Sabrina said picking up her necklace. 

"Call me the second you get back. I'll come right over." Harvey said and Sabrina pulled him down to kiss her. "Ugh, really?" Susie said sitting back. "Relax, Romeo. It's for three days. "Yeah." Susie agreed. "I mean, seriously, you guys. Seriously, you guys! Really?" I said not really intending anything. They didn't say anything they just kissed. "Seriously?" Roz said in disbelief. I brought my thumb and pointer to the bridge of my nose, "Oh, my god. I'm going to the bathroom." I said taking my fingers off and getting up. "You guys' can endure...this," I said gesturing to them and gagging as I walked off and them laughing behind me. 


Sabrina was packing for going to the Academy tomorrow, I had already packed for going to the Academy earlier. It was only for two days so I didn't need that much, most of it was candles and herbs. But I was a little stressed, I mean what if the Weird Sister's bullied us or Father Blackwood would send us to the wrong class? 

Ambrose was in our room too, sitting on the window sill and I was sitting on our desk. "Aren't you even a little excited?" Ambrose said petting Salem. "I'm stressed, Ambrose. Starting a new school is stressful." Sabrina said putting things in her bag. "Ooh! I forgot something! My moon necklace." I said getting up to get it and put it in my bag. "And I don't see why we have to stay at the Academy for three whole nights," I said coming out of my closet and putting the necklace in my bag. 

"It's you two's induction." Ambrose justified. "Cousins, you are on the verge of a stupendous adventure at the Academy of Unseen Arts. You two will meet interesting witches and warlocks from all over the world. Some of them, a great many of them will be hot." Ambrose said smiling. "Ambrose! It's a school, not a sex club. I'm supposed to be learning." I said letting my head fall back. "We're not going to the Academy to hook up with hot warlocks," Sabrina said grabbing her hairbrush. "Or witches," I added quickly. "We're going to the Academy to learn how to defeat the Dark Lord. To learn how to conjure him, bind him, banish him." I said summing our agenda up to Ambrose. 

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