Tornado of Thirteen

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"I don't understand. Why would the Greendale Thirteen be angry at us?" Sabrina asked. We were both on opposite sides of the counter while I was debating what to do about this whole Thirteen situation. "It's a bloody mess what happened to the Thirteen," Ambrose said with a mouthful of grapes. He seemed to be stress eating ever since we got home, which he never did. 

"The most despicable chapter of the Church of Nights' history, but it is our history which means we cannot deny it," Aunt Zee said taking another puff of her cigarette. "That's the most despicable part?" I muttered which earned a look from Aunt Zee. "What happened?" I asked after a minute. "After the witch trials in Salem, all the witches in this part of the country were terrified." She began to explain. 

"Trouble was brewing in Greendale, mortals were identifying and arresting witches - including the original Thirteen. And while they sat in their cell, the other witches of Greendale met, and decided-" "The Thirteen would be sacrificed to appease the mortals' bloodlust," Aunt Zee explained. "While those 13 women were hung and tortured, the rest of the witches burned their grimoires and buried their cauldrons," She sighed once again. 

"So they were the scapegoats?" I asked leaning against the counter with my arms crossed. All I got was a nod from Ambrose, "Sort of," "The coven could have come together to save the Thirteen but..." Aunt Zee turned around to address all of us. "we, our ancestors, decided not to risk it," She turned around and crossed her arms. "So, we're all descendants of the witches who used the Thirteen as scapegoats and let them die?" "No wonder they hate us so much," Brina and I commented. 

"You know, the mortals did the actual hanging and torturing, to be fair," Ambrose said. "Cousin, we still turned our backs on them," I gave him a look. "Well," I grabbed my jacket from the back of Ambrose's chair, "I don't care what you say, Auntie, me and Brina are not going to just sit idly by while our friends are being hunted and go sit in some magical doomsday bunker," I smiled at her. "Agreed. And before you even try to stop us, Auntie Zee-" Brina began. "On the contrary, I believe we should all stay and protect the town," I stopped in my tracks and turned around on my heel. 

"Really?" I asked. "Did not expect that," Brina and I exchanged looks. "And why not?" She shrugged. I mean, I knew why not but why did she think we should? "The Greendale Thirteen were sacrificed so that the pack might survive. But, we need not make the same mistake once again," She said. "We are Spellmans. That means we stand tall with dignity and pride and we do what is right." She said and I smiled at her and looked at Sabrina and back. "As your father always did, girls," We smiled even wider. 

"The mortals may be weak, but that does not mean they deserve this grim a fate. Doom has been unleashed by witches," She braced her hands on the table. "it shall be averted by witches," "Alright," Ambrose said, sitting up from his seat. "Protect them how? We can hardly be in all places at once. We can't oversee the whole town," He shrugged. "Well, it won't be all, but if we can get most of them in one place-" "Then we can protect them from there," Aunt Zee finished my sentence which...made me feel weird. 

"Zelda, I think I might have the answer to that," Hilda raised her hand as if she was in primary school. Zelda rolled her eyes, "You don't need to raise your hand, Hilda. Go ahead," I gave Zelda a look. "Dr. Cerberus told me something. He used to be the local weatherman so he knows..." "Oh, for Satans' sake!" Zelda moaned. I rolled my eyes, "He said that in the event of a tornado or severe weather, the town's designated shelter was Baxter High's basement," 

"That's a great idea, Aunt Hilda." "All we need is a tornado," Sabrina and I said. "Easy enough," Ambrose said and waved me over to help him get the materials. I laid out the map and bowl as Ambrose gave the jars to everyone as we all gathered around the table. We summoned each wind around the map and waited for it to work until the alarm rang for the town. 

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