Witches' Marks

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Y/N's POV: 

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Y/N's POV: 

We finally got home and both me and Sabrina were arguing with Aunt Zee, "Now it makes sense! All your nagging and strong-arming trying to get us to sign." Sabrina yelled. "You were just trying to cover up the fact that you had already pawned us off to the Dark Lord like a used car!" I yelled beyond anger. "You two were never meant to find out," Zelda said pacing back and forth with her hands on her forehead.  "You girls, we're meant to choose the Path of Night and sign your name willingly. That way-" Aunt Zee explained but was cut off by me. "That way, I never would've found out about our father's betrayal, and yours?" I asked rhetorically while crying from anger. 

She looked guilty, "Edward needed a witness." She explained horribly. "Why would he do that to us?" Sabrina asked also crying from anger. She inhaled deeply and hesitated to explained, "A certain bargain had been struck, and the price your father paid for it was you two's name in that book." She explained blankly. "What could've been worth it?" I asked in disbelief with tears streaming down my face while shaking my head. "Permission to marry your mother." She hesitantly replied. 

My mouth opened a bit in disbelief, "The Dark Lord granted it in exchange for-" She began. "For us. His daughters." Sabrina said crying even more now. I was mostly angry at Aunt Zelda, "And you stood there, and you watched him do it, Aunt Zelda! You helped him do it!" I said beyond anger again and stomped upstairs with Sabrina following behind me.  

Sabrina slammed the door behind us as we walked into our room, "Why? Why? Why?!" I said hysterically crying and sitting down on my bed with my head in my hands. "I don't know," Sabrina said sitting down but not crying hysterically, she stared blankly at her hands trying to process everything. "I don't get it. If he loved us, he would have let us make our own choices! Why did he have to make everything harder??" I said so beyond angry it was scary. Sabrina saw me punching my leg and came over quickly and held my hand so I wouldn't do it, she started hugging me to make me feel better. "I know you're angry, so am I. But don't hurt yourself purposefully because you're hurt unintentionally." She said putting my hand on my chest and hugging me. 

"I just don't understand," I whispered crying. She didn't say anything back, she just kept consoling me, and I hugged her back to make her feel better as well. After a while, I stopped crying and I was so tired from crying that I was falling asleep. She laid down with me on my bed and we ended up falling asleep together on my bed. 


I woke up and noticed Sabrina - at some point during the night - had gotten out of my bed and went to hers. I got up to go shower and heard Sabrina say tiredly, "Good morning, Y/N." She said sitting upright. "Good morning," I said grabbing the clothes I was wearing for today. I was about to leave when I turned around and looked at Sabrina, "Thank you, for last night. It really helped me." I said softly to her. "Yeah, no. Your welcome. What are sisters for?" She asked smiling and taking a glass of water off her bedside table, I smiled quickly and went to go take a shower. 

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