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1 year later.

We both got jobs, I worked in a cafe and he got a job in the shop. We saved every single cent we made that we could. We got really close over the year, we'd spend all day most days together, we'd go to school, work after and meet at tye woods and stay there till about 10, after my parents were knocked out drunk most nights.

Now, it's time. We decided we'd quit our jobs, and then drive away to his granny's house.

I finish work in about half an hour and then I collect my pay. I'm just cleaning up the tables from the last customers. I finish up and my boss let's me go after handing me my last pay. I handed in my notice last week so they knew I was leaving.

I head out to the carpark. Its cold enough so I zip up my jacket and head over to John's car. He's sitting half sleeping in the front. I get in the passenger seat beside him.
"Ready?" He asks, looking over.
"A bit nervous, but other than that yeah, everything in the boot?" I ask him.
"Yeah, so, do you want to drive all the way to the house or will we drive a bit and park up for the night?"
"Second one, love, you look half tired." I say sitting back in the seat. He pulls out of the carpark and on to the road.

It's too quiet so I put on the radio and look out the window.
"So you know how I said my granny had a house left for me?"
"I do, it was kind of the reason we are doing this."
"I know, but they sold the house, we don't have anywhere to stay."
"You should of said something." I say, sounding mad.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No, I couldn't physically be mad at you, you've done too much, I just don't know,  we'll have to sleep in the car, find some sort of gym or something for the showers and all."
"Sounds like a plan. Two of the seats recline all the way back and we can sleep there and uh, there's blankets in the boot and 2 pillows." He says quickly and I figure its because he's nervous.
"Don't be nervous, love, I couldn't care if we slept on the floor, anythings better than there."
"I know, it's just, I don't know, inwant you to feel safe." He says awkwardly almost.
"Knowing me, that night be a while, but I trust you." He smiles and we sit the rest of the ride in silence except for the music on the radio. He pulls in to a small carpark on a back road beside a park. I'm half sleeping so he suggests going to the back to sleep and I agree. He gets out and tells me to stay put and puts the seats down and pulls 2 blankets and pillows from the boot. He walks to my door and opens it for me. U get in the back and get changed while he changes in the front and joins me in the back. He's just taken off his shirt and put on a pair of joggers.

He hands me my blanket and I get under it and lie down. He does the same. I'm lying on my back while he's lying on his side looking at Me.
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything, love. I just needed to get you out of there." He says in a sleepy voice and I don't know why but it made me smile.
"Don't beat yourself up about it, it'll be fun."
"Yeah, we'll figure it out." He says and yawns.
"Go to sleep, you're tired."
"Am not." He says, closing his eyes.
"Yeah, you are now goodnight."
"Goodnight love." He says and falls asleep.

I try to sleep but i fail and just as I'm about to sleep, John somehow pulled my blanket off of me. I tried pulling it back but he practically had it under him at this point so I had to wake him up.
"John, wake up." I say, but it's no use so i shake his shoulder a bit and he half wakes up.
"John, you stole my blanket." I say but he only smirks a bit. He let's me pull my blanket back but he doesn't let me take it all  the way back, instead he pulls me to him so that he's spooning me and goes back to sleep with his arm around me. I fall asleep as well within a few minutes, actually feeling safe for the first time in years.

I have so many things to write but this is my favourite and it's taking forever to write.

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