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The first day after he left was OK, I knew he was coming back, but the weeks grew longer and longer and I missed my best friend.

Me and Roger got close especially after Tim  moved out and joined a band called "Humpy Bong" last week. I broke up with him after John left as I realised I never wanted him, I wanted someone else. Someone I could never get with incase it ended bad and I'd loose the most important person in my life, someone who saved my life, I realised I was in love with my best friend and he doesn't feel the same, so maybe him leaving is for the best, for now, but I want him to be around me, for me to be around him, just smoking out the window or lying cuddling in bed or going on a drive out of town. But he'll be back soon, 2 more months was all we had apart until I'd get all those things, but I would never get the one thing I longed most for from him, for now, he's my bestfriend. The man that saved my life.

this is short but expect this for a bit <3

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