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His pov.

I've only moved here, mum wants a new start after dad passed of the heart attack last year. I miss him so much, especially now we've moved away, I can't go to our spot in the woods we used to go to everyday for a walk. The atmosphere in my family has changed so much, my mums been doing her best but she's never home with work and when she is she's too tired to do most things, so I always look after my little sister, Julie. She's great, she's very self sufficient.

I always wanted to play instruments when I was younger, specifically the bass, and my dad got me one for Christmas before he passed. It's my form of escapism, something I can use to take my mind off of my life. I love playing so much, it makes me feel at peace.

The front door opens, mum's home.
"How was your first day, mum?" I ask her and hug her.
"It was good yeah, how was school."
"Tough, you know, I'm going for a walk to think, alright?" I ask.
"Yeah, sure." She says and i walk out and down the road, turning off at this lane down to a woods. I walk to a little stream and sit down. There's a girl. She's crying, he whole face is bruised, she's very pale. My heart breaks for her. I move myself closer to her.
"Are you ok?" I ask her, more than slightly concerned. She looks up, her eyes red from crying.
"No one's ever asked me that before." She says, her voice cracking. My heart breaks more for her, I've only just met her.
"I'm John."
"Y/n." She says looking down at the ground.
"Well, its nice to meet you."
"How come I've never seen you before." She says, looking at me.
"I just moved here, you know the semi detached house at the edge of the town, well I live in the end one." I say to her ina  hope to get her to talk.
"I live in the second last one, funny world." My heart hit the floor. I've only lived there a week but I knew the neighbours had issues all the shouting and screaming. I didn't know they had a kid.  I put my arm around her and hugged her.
"You can hear it can't you?"
"Yeah, I'm so sorry, I'll help you, I promise." I say to her and she cried into my shoulder. I just need to figure out how.

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