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Tw again: physical and verbal abuse

His pov.

She thinks I'm some sort of monster, that I'd break a promise, or hurt her, no i wouldn't. I knew her for a day and I could tell she was nothing like her parents, the apple fell the distance between the North Pole to the south Pole from the tree.

I tried to tell her what I wanted to say in the supply room, but she stormed out so I kept trying and trying until her rejecting my explanation became to much, the thought of her telling to go away, to go fuck myself one more time, telling me to go back to my perfect life, mum, dad, little sister, perfect life yeah. My father's dead, I don't talk to my mum anymore because she was a different person to me now, not the sweet mum I thought she was, but instead, this person who was do invested in how she looked to other people that she couldn't let her own son try and help someone out of a shit life.

I stopped trying because my sister had stopped talking to me. She was the only person who talked to me in my house for the last few months but she just stopped and it broke me, made me feel hopeless. I feel isolated at home, like everyone hates me, I know she feels ten times worse, I hear it through the thin walls of my bedroom, he crying, I figure our rooms share the same wall. Every night, she'd talk to herself, I'd hear her when she'd open her window for a smoke, I always left mine open so I could listen to her talk and so I could smoke aswell, without waking my mum or sister with opening the window.

I'm sitting having a smoke now, just looking out into the dark garden. It's relaxing until I hear through her window, a bedroom door swing open and slurred shouting. I hear her sobbing telling him to stop. I can't bear ti listen so I shut my window.

Then, I have an idea.

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