[29] Fallen Angel: Long Road Ahead

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*Your POV*

After a rough morning where your ankle became more of an issue, and a lot of pestering by the girls to go get it checked out properly, you were now sitting in the waiting room of the hospital waiting for your check-up. While it was still fairly early in the day, the waiting room had a decent number of people around, but thankfully you didn't run into anyone bothering you.

'Man, for someone who was looking to be a doctor, I really hate hospitals...' You thought as you silently waited in your seat. And after what felt like an hour of waiting, a nurse called your name to bring you to an exam room.

Once the doctor had taken the MRIs and finished their examination, you indeed had torn one of your ankle ligaments almost entirely. This meant that while you were lucky to avoid surgery on it, you were confined to a boot and crutches for a few months before you could start physical rehabilitation.

The diagnosis, paired with the medical bill that you would have to pay in some part, soiled your morning. With you in crutches and a boot, you essentially were out of commission as a manager until you were literally back on your feet, and that meant you weren't attending any of the award shows coming up, and possibly their next comeback depending on when that would be.

As you were "walking" back towards the taxi rank, you were suddenly stopped by a familiar face who was walking in through the front doors.

"Oh, Y/N-ssi. Fancy running into you here." The Red Velvet manager said to you.

"Good morning." You greeted him back. "Yeah, my members kept pestering me to get this looked at."

"Well, it must've been a lot of pestering to deal with considering you're taking care of 9, huh?"

"Only a bit, but they were right in the end, so is it still considered pestering? Anyways, what's all of that?" You asked, pointing at the 2 plastic bags in his hands.

"Oh, my girls are spending the day with Wendy." He explained.

"How is she doing, by the way?"

"She's in good spirits, well as good as can be considering the circumstances. Did you want to go see her yourself?" He asked you suddenly.

"N-no, it's quite alright. I wouldn't want to intrude anyways." You quickly waved off the offer.

"Manager-nim, what's taking you so long?" You heard the voice of Yeri from behind you.

"Hold on, Yeri-ah. I'm talking to Y/N-ssi." He told her.

"Oh, good morning Y/N-ssi." Yeri greeted you with a little bow.

"Morning Yeri. Don't worry, I'll let you and the rest get to their food. I was just heading out anyway."

"Aw, you don't want to see Wendy? She was asking about you earlier." Yeri told you.

"Huh, why?"

"Come on, long lost lovers reunited! It's like a drama script coming to life!" Yeri said excitedly, making you blush.

"L-lovers is a bit strong, isn't it?" You said, covering your face to hide your embarrassment. "Plus, I wouldn't want to get in the way."

"Nonsense! Come on." She began to pull you back into the heart of the hospital.

"Y-Yeri-ssi, I can't keep up with you if you run off like that." You tried to say to her while she was still trying to pull you along.

"Sorry about her. When she puts her mind to something, she really goes after it." Their manager apologised on Yeri's behalf.

"It's alright." You returned simply as you hobbled along.

Eventually, Yeri slowed down to a pace where you could keep up, and reached the typical hospital room with "Son Seungwan" written on the patient list.

One In A Million | TWICE x Original Male CharacterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin