[13] The Big Move

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*Your POV*

Today was the day you had your last check up at the hospital after the incident. Life had mostly gone back to normal for everyone: you were back working as TWICE's manager, ang the girls were continuing their concert prep. Coincidentally, tonight was the day of their final concert, so a clean bill of health would really benefit the entire team.

"Okay Y/N, let's check you up real quick, and get you on your way." The doctor said, walking into the exam room.

After checking every wound as well as performing a general physical check up, the doctor allowed you to return to work under one condition. "So your left arm was still a little ways from being back to full strength. Just make sure you don't overexert that arm, but you can use it little by little."

"But I can drop the crutches now?" You asked, entirely fed up with using them at this point.

"You can indeed."

"Hallelujah." You thanked him.

"Okay, I will see you in 1 week time. Have a nice day." The doctor said his goodbyes and left, with you leaving the exam room shortly after. Upon leaving the lobby, you were met by Pinky-oppa who was waiting to pick you up before going to the concert.

"All good?" He asked you.

"For the most part, I just can't really use this arm fully yet." You explained pointing at your left arm.

"Well at least you walk around now. I'm sure the girls will be ecstatic that you're back." He patted your back as you both walked over to the car.

Eventually, the two of you reached the JYP building where the girls were practicing for their show tonight. Ever since the incident, you've been on leave and away from their preparations while you were recovering with your family, so you hadn't seen the members since the day you were released from the hospital.

After greeting many people in the building who were happy to see you return to your duties, you two made your way to the practice rooms. Once you caught the distinct melody of 'TT' ringing through the hallways, you headed towards it and found the girls just as they started the second chorus.

To surprise them, you walked in while they were still practicing, and did your best to follow along with the choreography until someone noticed.

"Ah! Y/N!" Chaeyoung screamed as she ran up to you, hugging you.

"Hi Chae! Hey girls." You waved as they all ran to you.

"Are you back now?" Nayeon asked excitedly.

"As much as I can, at least for tonight's concert." You announced, which was met with cheers from everyone. "Now, enough about me, go practice." You playfully pushed them away to continue rehearsing.


Now that it was only about 20 minutes before the show started, everyone was in their green room getting their make-up touched up as well as going through final checks with costumes and audio. While you were trying your best to help out as much as possible, you were limited on what you were able to do. Right now, it was passing out water to everyone for a hydration break before the show began.

On stage, they had begun showing music videos to the almost full-capacity arena in preparation for the show, and the crowd were singing along very loudly, showing just how many people were already there. However, the sound coming from stageside instantly dropped as the sound from the music video just disappeared.

"I need someone with me to fix the audio leads, quickly!" One of the show's AV techs ran into the green room, looking for any staff.

"I can try and be of assistance, if I only need one arm." You offered since you weren't really doing anything.

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