"So who exactly are we going to?" I asked

"The Volturi, they are the vampire leaders, three kings Aro, Caius and Marcus. Edward is going to reveal himself to the humans and get himself killed, they uphold laws one being to not show your self to humans." She said driving the car as fast as it would go.

"Let's go." She grabbed my hand running to this big castle looking place. We pushed past all the red coats near a water fountain I could spot Bella's green shirt at the top.

"There" I said pointing

Me and Alice opened the castle door, her smiling taking off her glasses and scarf.

"Uh...Edward why are you shirtless?" I snorted eyes up Bella. What were they doing a few minutes ago.

"Be quiet Vera, stay next to me." Alice said pushing me behind her.

"Come in guys it's a festival, we don't want to make a scene." She cheered. A small girl with blonde hair and red eyes walked towards us pulling down her hood. I thought Edward was dramatic, I clearly haven't been here before. Edward clearly hearing my thoughts nudged me in a way telling me to shut up.

"Enough, Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." She stated, scaring the shit out of me, she looked like she would kill anyone in a second. Although she liked incredibly young to be a vampire.

We all followed the small vampire and Alice told us to do what she said, I nodded, ah shit I'm going to die. I should never have came here, all because I wanted some drama.

"Go ahead." Jane walked us down some stairs as Bella and Edward probably confessed their love or something, I wasn't really paying attention. We all crammed into this lift playing classical Italian music, it was dead silent , it brought back flashbacks to the time Bella, Charlie and myself were In the car from the airport, a shiver ran down my back, I was still slightly traumatised at the level of awkwardness I had to endure.

A woman stood up speaking Italian, she looked human so why the bloody hell is she in some evil vampire castle.

"Is she human?" Bella asked rather loudly


"Does she know?"


What is she some kind of detective now, poor guy is being investigated over here.

"Then why would..." she asked the obvious, I mean girl, I'm not exactly smart but geez it doesn't take a genius to know.

"She wants to be." Bella spoke, please be quite, your not making this any easier for anyone.

"And so she will be." Demetri said

"For desert." Jane added smiling, she opened the doors to an enormous throne room, I looked around, it was like something out of a fairy tale. I saw three men sat on thrones.

"Send you out to get one and you come back with three and two half's." A boy with dark hair reported

"Math just flew out the window." I whispered, I saw Jane smirk but it disappeared as quick as it appeared. Nice to know I could make a scary vampire laugh.

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