Chapter 24

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Crying Wolf

The four girls were sleeping peacefully in Caroline's bed, then Elena phone started to go off. The other three girls started to whine and Caroline pushed Elena off the bed.

"Go away." Caroline said and Josephine sat up and looked over at Elena, who was on the ground, and seen that she was crawling to her phone and crawled out. Josephine got out of bed and went and got ready for the day.

Once she was ready she seen the girls in the kitchen eating.

"Where are you off to?" Bonnie asked and Caroline looked up and seen her twin.

"I'm going to the Salvatores, gotta go talk to Damon." Josephine said getting a banana.

"Be careful." Caroline said.

"You too." Josephine said and grabbed her keys and walked out.


Josephine was sitting in her car looking at the big house, thinking about the night before, still a little shaken up about it. But she shook it off and got out of her car and walked right into the mansion.

Once she entered there stood the man himself, Damon Salvatore. Once he seen her he got flashes of the previous night, her blood all over his hands.

"Why are you looking at me like you seen a ghost, blue eyes?" Josephine asked and he cracked a smile and pulled her into a hug.

"You sunshine, are a survivor." Damon said letting her go.

"Thanks to you." Josephine said and he looked at her. "It's kinda funny, the first time we met you killed me, now you're saving me." She added.

"Don't go making me seem soft." He said and she laughed.

"You, soft, never." She said.

Damon looked at the blonde in front of him wondering how he even got Josephine as a friend since he did kill her, but he's glad he has her, she's probably the only one who can see Damon as someone other then a monster.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Damon asked referring to the night before.

"Umm, no." Josephine said trying to shake that whole day off. Damon noticed how uneasy she looks and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Okay, tell me about Kol." Damon said changing the subject.

"No, everytime we talk, we always bring him up, I mean don't get me wrong I like talking about him and everything but, let's talk about you and Andie." Josephine said and they went and sat down on the couch.

"It's nothing, I'm compelling her, nothing special." He said and she put her legs over his lap and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Oh my God, you need to find a girl who you don't have to compell, in keeping you're secrets or whatever." Josephine said.

"Now why would I need to find a girl for that, when I have you?" Damon asked.

"Okay that's true." She said with a small laugh.

"So tell me, what were you like before you knew about the supernatural." Damon said curious even though he already knew some stuff.

"Well like how I am now, except I spent most of my time with Matt and Tyler." She said her smile dropping a little. "We would always go to some party on Friday nights, Ty and I would sometimes have movie marathons, we would play football, I would go shopping with Caroline, have slumber parties with Caroline Bonnie and Elena, play video games with Matt and Tyler. I miss those days, last night was the first time in what felt like a long time that it actually felt normal, even just for a second." She added with a sad smile and Damon felt kinda bad for the girl.

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