A Doting Eraser and One Overly Worried Bluenette

Start from the beginning

"That's interesting to say the least... And, I'm going to have to tell your father about this. He's going to want to know why his son was hurt." Aizawa shook his head and rubbed his temples.

"Can you please not tell him about the mech... no one other than Hado saw right?" He asked, looking to Eraser, trying to salvage this trip.

"Ughhh, fine. Only this once, will I hold information back from Nedzu. BUT you must tell him by the time you graduate. I can't keep holding information back from him, Problem Child." The man turned to look at Hado, a stern anger grazing his face.

"And you, first go get some sleep he'll be fine. And second, don't go telling the other second years about this. Keep that mouth of yours shut for once." The bluenette nodded, though she was currently curled into her friend's chest. Wanting nothing more than to be close to him while he recovered.

Soon after Hado took her leave, Eraser once again scrunched down into his sleeping bag and Izuku once again fell back to sleep on his cot. There would be plenty of time for training, but for the moment he needed rest.


Training would start the next day, bright and early. Though Eraser would take it easy on him, understanding that Izuku was likely still somewhat out of it. The students buzzed about, trying to do as their instructors said.

Though, it was certainly harder than last year from what Izuku could see. Most were complaining far more than he remembered hearing about. They seemed to be skish of him as well, staying way out both his or Erasers sight.

Mirio and Amajiki had even been almost hesitant of him, which had caused the boy to question Hado, who'd simply shrugged and said something to the effect of. "Oh, don't worry about it greeny. They're just sorry about not being able to help you." Which Izuku had nodded and taken the statement as fact.

Though he still wasn't sure what that really meant.

The first day would be difficult if anyone asked Izuku, he'd been forced to train with Tiger.

Though the man had to promised ease the boy in. Understanding that he'd already suffered a traumatic injury the day prior.

However, if what the boy had gone through was considered easy, then he was certainly worried about what tiger considered hard. Because, by the way his voice felt in his throat, and his arms screamed. It certainly hadn't been easy.

Then the second day had come, and he'd been able to work with Hado by his side for a small time. Both seeming to have peaked the Tiger like man's interest and they'd even been allowed to spar at one point. Which was certainly interesting, having to fight Hado without much of his equipment had been fun.

The girl hadn't gone easy on the boy, giving him some serious pain in both his chest and left shoulder from repeated blast. It was nice, yet he did wish the others hadn't left him alone so much. Many still steered clear of him, always looking to Eraser or one of the pussycats for guidance on if they could in fact interact with the boy.

Then the rest of the week had come, and Tiger had trained Izuku along with the rest of the students into the ground, working them far harder than any of them ever expected. Mirio had at one point yelled out a raggedy 'power!' over and over again until his voice was terribly quiet. And even then, as the boy had fallen to ground, he'd continued to yell above nothing more than a whisper.

Amajike had eat so much different food the boy was sure he'd gotten food poisoning from too much sea food. Hado on the other hand had once again fallen out of the sky on multiple occasions from quirk overuse.

Izuku had at the very least, not overused his quirk, though BT did seem somewhat apologetic for several days. Izuku felt bad for the poor Titan, what had happened was really out of his control. And Izuku promised to look out for himself more in the future.

Then as the camp had come to an end and everyone had loaded onto the bus, instead of following Hado to the seat he'd been given earlier on the trip there. Eraser had personally pulled the boy to the side and had him sit next to him.

"Alright, what the heck happened, why are they so shy of me?" He asked, looking to Mr. Aizawa for some kind of answer.

"He told them that they were expelled if they ever left you behind or caused injury to you again." Hado sing songed as she walked past Izuku and swung into the seat behind Eraser. With a tired sigh from the teacher, Izuku let the conversation go.

Mirio and Amajiki had warmed back up to him, though it was subtle. Toogata had sat next to Hado and Amajiki had come to sit on the other side of the bus. The bus ride would be quiet, though not like before where it was fear of Eraser for yelling at them for being too loud.

No, this time they were fearful of a certain greenette and one doting overprotective father figure. Eraser would be seen watching the boy for several weeks to come when school resumed. He couldn't take his eyes off the problem child.

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