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Harry had shown up on Sunday and they spent the day together. Louis was less nervous now. Harry wanted to see him and he decided to just be himself and make sure to pay attention to Harry. He asked him questions about his interests and favorite music and everything he could think of. Harry was absolutely glowing, showing him those wonderful dimples whenever he smiled and he smiled a lot, which must be a good sign, right? Time flew and Harry looked at his phone.
"Shit! Zayn's picking me up in ten minutes."

"Oh, you two really get along huh?" Louis asked, masking the disappointment he felt about Harry leaving.

"Yeah, it's great to have another male Omega to talk to who gets it, but most of all he's just really sweet and cares about me." Harry smiled.

"I'm glad you have another male Omega to talk to." Louis said and he meant it.

"Yeah, so we're gonna watch the game on Tuesday, Zayn and I." Harry said while he put his shoes and coat on.

"My game?" Louis asked in surprise.

"Yeah, is that okay?" Harry asked.

"Of course! Yeah, that's cool. I thought you don't like football?" Louis questioned.

"I'm all about second chances." Harry winked.

Louis blushed a little. He hesitated briefly before he wrapped his arms around the Omega and held him close so they could breathe in each other's scents. They stood like that until Harry's phone pinged.
"Zayn's here. I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Yeah, good night." Louis said and let go.

Harry smiled and waved before he walked out the door. Louis sighed. Most of all he just wanted him to move back home but he didn't want to pressure him. Baby steps.

Two days later Louis ran some laps to warm up with the rest of his team. Liam came running up beside him.

"Hi." He still felt ashamed around Liam.

"Harry was really happy when he came home last night. I'm glad things are going well between the two of you."

"Yeah, but just so you know, home is our apartment, not yours. I'm glad you have taken him under your wings. I'm grateful for the wake-up call but I hope he'll come home soon." Louis muttered.

"Just give it some time and continue doing what you're doing." Liam said and clasped a hand on his shoulder before he ran off.

He had every intention to. He ran another lap and then he saw Harry and Zayn arriving. They stopped at the sideline where family could stand but family only. A strange feeling of pride and warmth pressed in his chest. Harry could be there because he was his mate, his family. He ran up to them.
"Hi, Harry. Thanks for coming."

"Good luck out there. Make me proud." Harry smiled.

He returned the smile. They locked eyes and just stood there smiling at each other.
"Tomlinson? Get your ass over here!" His coach screamed.

"Gotta go. Can I see you after the game?" Louis asked.

"Okay. Break a leg!" Harry grinned.

"I hope not!" Louis snorted but his eyes were glittering with humor.

He ran back to his teammates. He was determent to play well. He wanted to make Harry proud of him because that would be a nice change. The game started and he was on fire. Hearing Harry cheer for him on the sideline improved his game. They won 3-O and he had made two of the goals. Harry was jumping up and down and he ran to hug him.
"You were incredible!" Harry grinned and hugged him back.

"Thanks." Louis beamed.

"I'm gonna go out to celebrate with Liam and Zayn. Just some pizza. Do you wanna join us?" Harry asked shyly.

"I'd love to. Yeah! Thanks for inviting me. I'm just gonna take a quick shower." Louis smiled. He couldn't be happier. Harry wanted him to come along.

Harry nodded his head.
"We'll wait by the cars."

Louis turned around and jogged his way to the locker rooms. He took a quick shower and made himself presentable.
"Tomlinson! I heard that you're coming with us for pizza." Liam said.

"Yeah, Harry invited me. I hope that's okay?" Louis asked.

"Of course. Come on. We don't want our mates to have to wait longer than necessary." Liam smiled.

Their mates. Louis smiled. He grabbed his duffel bag and closed his locker and headed towards the parking lot with Liam. Harry and Zayn were waiting for them.
"I'll ride with Louis." Harry said.

"Alright. We'll see you at the pizza place then." Liam agreed.

They got in the car and put on their seatbelts. Louis started the engine.
"Where to?"

"Just take a left and I'll guide you." Harry said.

"Did you enjoy the game?" Louis asked as he drive off.

"I did actually! It's much more fun when you have someone to cheer on." Harry smiled.

"Yeah, I heard you and it improved my game so thanks." Louis said.

"Maybe I can come to a couple of more games if you'd want me to?" Harry asked.

"Of course, if you really want to. Don't go just to please me." Louis replied.

"I want to." Harry smiled.

They arrived at the pizza place and got out of the car. Zayn and Liam pulled up beside them and they walked into the restaurant together. They found a booth and took a seat and made their orders. Louis was nervous at first. It felt like Zayn and Liam were judging him for being the worst mate ever to Harry but they talked to him in a friendly way so he relaxed after a while.

They headed back to the cars after they had finished their meals.
"So, I'm gonna go with Zayn and Liam. I'll see you tomorrow morning." Harry said.

Zayn and Liam had already gotten in their car.
"Yeah, thanks for inviting me. I had fun. Zayn and Liam are really nice." Louis said.

"They are." Harry smiled.

"Uhm, so...are you doing something on Friday or do you wanna come over, maybe eat dinner together?" Louis asked.

"Sure, do you want me to cook something special?" Harry asked.

"Actually, I was planning to cook you dinner for once." Louis said.

"You can cook?" Harry smirked.

"Not really but how hard can it be?" Louis grinned.

"This will be interesting. I'm looking forward to Friday then. Bye Lou." Harry smiled.

"Can I give you a hug?" Louis wondered.

Harry smiled, showing off his dimples, and stepped into his embrace. They breathed in each other's scent briefly before Harry let go and got in the car. Louis watched them drive off.

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