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His world was getting darker and darker. Louis didn't care about him. He had no intention to at least try to fall in love with him. He was just a burden. Someone Louis was stuck with. He got quieter and quieter, fell into a depression. He felt unwanted and the thing was, it wasn't like that for him. He liked Louis! He could easily fall in love with him if he let himself. Maybe he already had. He refused to find out. He tried not to think about it.

Louis had apologized several times about kissing someone else. A girl. That almost felt even worse, like a slap in the face. Like Louis didn't want to be with a guy at all. He just happened to be stuck with one. At least he didn't kiss anyone else. For now.

Louis had picked him up from school and drove him home before he took off, telling him that he was gonna hang out with some friends. Harry waited up for him but he never came home. The absence of pain told him that he at least hadn't hooked up with someone else.

The next day was a Saturday and Louis didn't come home in the morning. Harry knew that he had football practice. Before a big game his coach often threw in an extra practice during the weekend.

He tried to call him because his inner Omega missed his Alpha scent. They hadn't sniffed each other since yesterday morning. He knew that he would be in pain soon and Louis would feel it and that would distract him during practice. He didn't want that. He swallowed his pride and took a bus to Louis college. He was nervous the whole bus ride, looking around at the other passengers but it seemed to be mostly Betas. No one bothered him.

He headed directly to the football field. He could see the team getting ready for practice. He swallowed nervously and got closer. Louis spotted him and came running over with furrowed eyebrows.
"What the hell are you doing here? How did you get here?"

"I took the bus. You didn't come home." Harry answered.

"I slept at a friends place. You shouldn't have taken a bus, put yourself in danger like that." Louis said.

"I...you didn't come home and my Omega needs your scent and I didn't want you to be distracted at practice so I thought that I just come here and get it over with so you can focus." Harry almost stuttered.

Louis sighed.
"Yeah, sorry. Let's make it quick. Practice about to start."

Harry took a step closer and put his nose in the crook of Louis neck and inhaled his scent. Louis waited impatiently. Harry felt humiliated. Tears were burning behind his eyes. Louis took a step back.
"Just wait in the car. Here's the keys." He said and handed them over before he turned around to get back to his team.

Harry hung his head. He looked up just to find one of Louis teammates looking at him with worried eyes. He turned around and hurried to the car.

Louis teammate Liam had overheard the conversation and he was furious. He walked up to Louis and pulled him to the side.
"What the fuck was that?"

"What? Nothing." Louis said.

"Nothing? Is that your mate?" Liam asked.

"Uhm, technically yes. It's complicated." Louis muttered.

"You treat him like shit and he's absolutely miserable. Even I could sense it from a distance. What the hell is wrong with you?" Liam growled.

Louis mouth fell open. He stared at Liam.
"Uhm, it's complicated. It's not like we're together. We accidentally mated in high school."

"And that gives you the right to be an abusive piece of shit? I though you were a good guy, Louis." Liam said angrily.

"Abu...I'm not abusing him! Cut me some slack. You have no idea how it is to be mated to someone." Louis argued upset. He felt like shit.

"I do actually. I also accidentally mated someone in high school, but I have news for you. The only people who accidentally mates is soulmates. If you had spent some time getting to know your mate you would have figured that out. I did, and Zayn is the best thing that ever happened to me. I would never treat him the way you treat your mate. Shame on you. If we weren't on the football field right now I would beat the crap out of you." Liam growled and stormed off in the direction of the parking lot.

Louis just stood there frozen on the spot. Soulmate? What was he talking about? His cheeks turned crimson red. He was ashamed. He had treated Harry like crap. Like he was insignificant. Liam was right. He was an absolute asshole.

In the meantime Liam had found Harry crying in a car. He knocked on the door and Harry looked scared.
"Hi. Don't be scared. I'm Liam. Can I talk to you?" Liam smiled.

Harry opened the window.
"I overheard your conversation and it breaks my heart. Louis is a fucking douchebag. You deserve better. You know what? I'm gonna call my mate Zayn. He's also an Omega. I think you two would like each other. He can come and keep you company. What do you say?"

"Uhm, you don't have to do that. I can just wait here for Louis." Harry mumbled embarrassed.

"I really want you to meet my mate. Please." Liam said.

"Oh, okay. I guess I can meet him." Harry blushed.

Liam picked up his phone and walked away and made a quick call.
"He'll be here in five minutes. He was really excited to meet another male Omega." Liam smiled.

Harry returned the smile shyly. Liam stayed and small talked until a car pulled up. A man got out and Liam immediately kissed him hello.
"Zayn, this is...sorry, I didn't get your name?" Liam said.


"Harry. I have to get back to practice. I see you in a while." Liam smiled and ran off.

Zayn looked at Harry.
"Hi! It's nice to meet you. Can I join you in the car?"

"Sure." Harry agreed.

Zayn walked around and took a seat. Ten minutes later Harry had told him everything. It just came pouring out of him and Zayn hugged him.
"I think you should come and stay with me and Liam for a while."

"I can't do that." Harry protested.

"You can, and you will. I won't take no for an answer and we would be happy to have you staying with us. You need some time to sort things out." Zayn said, looking concern.

"Louis isn't a bad person. He's stuck in an impossible situation and that brings out the worst in him." Harry said.

"Well, he needs a wake up call." Zayn said.

Harry nodded his head.

When practice was over Louis hurried over to his car just to find it empty. He immediately got worried and looked around. Harry stepped out from a car next to his with a man he had never seen before.
"There you are! I'm so sorry Harry." Louis said.

"Save it. This is Zayn, Liams mate. I'm gonna live with them for a while." Harry said and looked down at his feet.

"What? No! I know I've been an asshole and I'm sorry. Liam really opened my eyes. I'm gonna do better. Just come home with me. Let's talk." Louis said.

"I don't want to. I kind of hate you Louis. You make me feel like shit, all the time. Enough is enough." Harry said.

Louis flinched. Harry's words hit him like a punch in the stomach.

Liam came walking over.
"Hi love, Harry is coming home with us." Zayn said.

"Alright." Liam smiled at Harry. He gave Louis a hard look. "I'll be over later to pick up some of his things."

"But..." Louis started to protest but he didn't know what to say.

Harry gave him one last sad look before he got in the car with Zayn. Louis watched them drive off. He was beyond remorseful. He had to make this right.

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