The gang as things kids in my Latin 2 class have said

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Two bit: *laughing uncontrollably *
Darry: are you ok?
Two: I'm sorry. You just remind me of Ed Sheeran

Sodapop: In my opinion, college shouldn't exist. We don't need all this extra schooling. So all in favor of going commando- wait...

Ponyboy: ok, if we all pitch in a dollar and get a box of donuts, then we can skip Latin, and-
Darry: Whoa, whoa, wait. I was ok with it at first, but not anymore

Steve: * continuously goes on rants about ancient Roman culture*

Darry: give me a Hebrew name that ends with L
Sodapop: Moses

Everyone: *watching a Pixar short about storks*
Sodapop: So the cloud's making a child. That's why it sounds like rubber
Everyone: *Brain.Exe has stopped working*

Darry: *isn't playing said Pixar film*
Two: press K on the computer
Darry: no
Two: Do it!
Darry: No!

Steve: Let's make him short. Like Dany DeVito short

Darry: we haven't even established if she has one leg or not

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