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Dawn had begun to rise against the black sky of the previous night, shades of orange and gold flowing through the rays of sunlight.

Gummy was peacefully sleeping, cuddled within his layers of blankets and snoring lightly.

However, his dreams began to take over his outside actions. Gummy began to sing "The Gummy Bear Song" deep within his sleep.

"I'm a gummy bear... I'm a gummy bear... I'm a yummy tummy funny lucky gummy bear..." He mumbled, gently snoring between each line of lyrics.

The sound of his voice woke himself from his slumber, as his eyes slowly began to open, his bedroom lit up by the sunlight coming into view. He yawned loudly, stretching his arms across the mattress. He sat up wrapped in his blanket, adjusting his eyes to the morning light.

Suddenly, he noticed the blanket was risen into almost a tall lump underneath the cover, right down at the end of the bed. Gummy gasped, quickly tugging the sheet in panic and confusion of what might be creating the strange shape.

The far end of the blanket flung towards Gummy as it gently slid from what a appeared to be...

...an egg?

Gummy leapt from his bed, curiosity within his eyes, and ran towards the mysterious egg. He gazed at it with a confused expression painted on his face.

"It looks like... a ginormous egg!" He stated, throwing his arms up into the air out of pure surprise.

Gummy quickly looked around the room, scratching his head in thought as he considered all the possible places this enormous egg could have appeared from.

"Now where did that come from?" He thought aloud.

Gummy concentrated his gaze against the interestingly large egg, eyes squinted and fingertips against his chin.

He took his knuckles to gently tap the egg's shell. Surprisingly, it began to shake in response to the soft knocks.

Gummy examined these movements, a curious expression on his face.

"This egg's got rhythm, just like me!" He stated happily.

Gummy continued to examine his bedroom, searching for any places the egg could have come from. He bent his knees and turned his head so his eyes could send his view underneath the bed. He leapt onto his mattress to throw his pillows across the room, just to see if there was any possibility of the egg appearing from beneath these sources of comfort.

After realising he couldn't find anywhere that the egg genuinely could've come from, Gummy bounced back down his bed, sending the egg springing into his grasp as he landed flat on his butt.

"Bam boozie! I think it likes me!" He happily cried, cuddling the egg with his hands into his chest.


The egg was balanced onto the floor of Gummy's bedroom, morning sunlight spraying rays across its speckled shell.

Gummy waddled over towards where it was placed and gently threw it into his hands. He began to slowly carry it across his room.

"Eggs are fragile; so I've gotta be super careful with it..."

However, as he gently carried the egg towards the doorway, his foot met the head of a rubber duck that was plopped onto the floor.

He shrieked in surprise and panic as his foot flew into the air, sending the egg out of his grasp.

Gummy landed onto the ground with a thud, noticing the egg heading for where he was sat.

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