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A bright, early to mid autumn day had just begun. The sun spread its bright, golden light across the almost red and orange leaves of trees that surrounded a colourful apartment block.

Inside this brightly painted building, (Y/n) was wrapped within her cozy bed cover, savouring every last second of warmth from the blanket.

She stared out of the window that she was facing with lazily open eyes as she layed on her comfy mattress, although in a slightly tense position, watching the gentle breeze blow through the crimson leaves. She had been rolling around almost all night, so hadn't gained much sleep throughout the relatively cold dark hours.

(Y/n) sighed deeply, the early morning sunlight rays bursting through the window's glass and lying against her curled up posture underneath her (b/c) blanket.

She had been thinking about Gummy for most of the night - about how he'd been behaving around her, what he'd been doing for her, like asking her to stay over and dressing up as a unicorn to make her happy.

Today was going to be the day.

Today she was going to admit her feelings.

Hoping he would like her back...

(Y/n) smiled, closing her eyes while turning onto her back and stretching out from her tense position. Her toes just poked out from the blanket as she stretched her legs, the cold breeze tickling them.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of running footsteps patting against the wooden floor, coming closer and closer towards her. She opened one eye lazily, waiting for someone to come dashing into her room.

That someone was Gummy.

"!!(n\Y) yeH"

(Y/n) shot up from her laying position, only to be met by Gummy's big, blue eyes - although they seemed to be filled with panic.

"!eciov ym ot deneppah s'gnihtemoS" Gummy cried from the end of the bed frame, earning a confused look from (Y/n).

Gummy continued to ramble on in pure panic, but all his words sounded muddled up...

"Woah, woah, slow down..." (Y/n) held her hands out, holding onto Gummy's to reassure him, earning a warm smile from him as the panic in his eyes seemed to fade.

"I know who might be able to find out what's wrong..."

She leapt from her bed, still gently holding onto Gummy's hand, guiding him towards Harry's apartment.


Harry was still curled up within his bed covers, not wanting to let the cold morning breezes hit his body.

He snored lightly, grumbling a little in his sleep.

Gummy and (Y/n) quietly stood by the doorway, watching him sleep so peacefully, wondering if it would actually be a good idea to wake him up.

Gummy couldn't wait any longer, the panic returning to his thoughts and expression.

His fingers slipped from between (Y/n)'s as he ran towards Harry's bed.

"!yrraH yeH"

Harry woke up very suddenly, jumping up in shock mixed with surprise at the sound of Gummy's worried voice, as well as confusion from his jumbled up words.

"!eciov ym ot deneppah s'gnihtemoS !pu ekaW"

"Gummy!" Harry cried, sounding slightly frustrated. "Why did you wake me from a wonderful dream about... well that's not important... WITH THAT AWFUL NOISE!?"

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