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It was the beginning of another peaceful mid-summer day, the strips of sunlight brightly shining through the large, oval window of Gummy's apartment.

(Y/n) was lounging with her phone on Gummy's jade sofa, skimming over anything interesting that decided to pop up on her social media. Harry was busy working on his laptop on the kitchen counter across the other side of the room.

A few minutes later, a familiar, fun-loving green bear slid through the door. He noticed his friends were completely focused within their technology. A thought crossed his mind as a cheeky smirk appeared across his face.

Harry was busy with whatever important business his laptop had to offer, and (Y/n) turned her attention to Gummy when she noticed what he was about to do.

Gummy sneakily crept beside the kitchen counter where Harry was working, so engrossed in his technology he didn't notice the cheeky green bear behind him.

"SURPRISE!!" Gummy shouted, as he popped up behind Harry, making him jump roughly a meter above his stool. His glasses flew off his head as he landed onto the floor with a thud.

(Y/n) laughed from the other side of the room, although Gummy looked down at Harry with a concerned expression. He expected him to jump, but not this much.

Harry's eyes slowly opened to see Gummy and (Y/n) staring down at him with worried faces. Gummy's expression changed to a smile once he saw his friend was awake, and held out his hand to help him up.

"I told you I don't like surprises!" Harry reminded Gummy in an agitated tone as he came to his feet.

But Gummy was too excited about what news he had to deliver next to pay any attention.

"Guess what!" He suddenly said in excitement, earning (Y/n)'s interest.

"Do I have to?" Harry replied.

"A puppy followed me home!" Gummy exclaimed, walking towards and opening the front door.

"Really!?" (Y/n) said in excitement and curiosity.

"Yeah right, a puppy?" Harry added, almost in disbelief.

Gummy opened the door to let the 'puppy' enter his home.

Instead of what small, fluffy creature (Y/n) and Harry expected to enter, a creamy brown coated goat came into their sight, leaving them in more disbelief.

"Ta-da! It's a puppy!" Gummy said proudly, letting the animal into his apartment.

Harry and (Y/n) watched with wide eyes and open jaws as the goat trotted past them, bleating as it did so.

Harry turned back to Gummy. "I know I'm no expert on animals, but isn't that a goat?" He questioned, turning back to the 'puppy'.

The goat nudged Gummy's bright pink beanbag up into the air with its horns, and raised its back legs to send it flying across the room. Gummy managed to catch it perfectly, running towards his new animal friend with it still clasped in his grip.

"I present; Wow-wow! The happy puppy!"

Harry and (Y/n) wandered up to Gummy's 'puppy' with puzzled looks on their faces. Harry sniffed the air close to Wow-wow and (Y/n) examined him with confusion.

Harry's expression changed as he processed the smell coming from the goat. "But it smells like a goat! And has horns, and a goatee beard!" He said pointing to these features on the goat.

But Gummy was too excited to listen. "And he can dance!" He proudly shouted, hugging Wow-wow. "Wanna see?" He asked his friends.

Harry noticed (Y/n) about to reply, 'yes', but he stopped her before she could.

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