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Night time had begun, the stars twinkled in the blanket of darkness that had been flung over the sky. The silver moon shone down onto the colourful apartment block that sat peacefully on the Earth below.

Gummy was busy juggling some eggs to entertain himself in his living room, while Kala and (Y/n) watched in interest from the sofa. Harry was also busy, but by doing some calculations on his easel.

He scribbled one last red cross against the paper flung over the wooden structure before turning to Gummy.

"So, tomorrow's the day of that big dance competition you've been looking forward to, Gummy!" He said happily.

"Are you nervous?" (Y/n) asked Gummy, leaning back against the pillows thrown onto the sofa.

Gummy looked towards her with those half-lidded eyes, his smile becoming more of a smirk.

"Nervous? Me?" He replied, as if it was obvious that he wouldn't be.

As if answering the question made him lose all focus on his juggling, the eggs fell from the air, smashing onto Gummy's head and cracking as they did so. The top of his head became covered with slimy egg yolks and broken shell fragments.

(Y/n) giggled. "I'll take that as a yes..."

Gummy sighed, frowning. "Well... maybe a smidgen... that could be why I'm feeling a bit, off?"

(Y/n) felt sadness flowing into her heart. She couldn't stand seeing Gummy upset, as it wasn't something she saw often.

"But nothing a good night's sleep won't cure..." Gummy began slowly and sadly wandering towards the opening in the wall that lead his bedroom. "Goodnight!" He waved to his friends without turning around as he sleepily entered into his bedroom.

"Goodnight Gummy! See you in the morning!" Harry, Kala and (Y/n) replied in unison.

(Y/n) sighed, thinking about Gummy being upset. Whenever this negative emotion took over Gummy's feelings, it would usually be something he really cared about, something really important to him.

(Y/n) wished there was something she could do to help and support him.

The image of his smirk with those half-lidded eyes entered her thoughts, causing her to sigh happily, snatching and cuddling a pillow from behind her.

Kala noticed her sister beside her, lost in her thoughts, as well as not realising she was blushing. Kala chuckled, before heading off towards her apartment with Harry.


The bright white sun slowly rose from below the distant horizon, showering bright blue across the sky. A new day had begun.

Gummy slowly opened his eyes, realising that his deep, sound sleep would have to come to an end.

He sighed, pushing his bright pink bed cover off of his exhausted body and sitting up on the mattress.

"Still feeling a little under the weather..." he sighed to himself.

"But I'm sure I'll pop out of it any minute now..." He prepared to place his feet onto the ground to exit his room and start the new day.

"Any minute now..."

However, he caught a glimpse of his exhausted reflection in a small mirror that was propped up against his alarm clock on his side table...


Kala, Harry and (Y/n) managed to enter Gummy's apartment, and decided to get themselves some breakfast since Gummy wasn't anywhere to be found.

✰ 𝔾𝕌𝕄𝕄𝕀𝔹𝔸ℝ 𝕩 ℝ𝔼𝔸𝔻𝔼ℝ ✰Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora