Chapter 18•

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Author's POV:-

"Tomarrow is your day,Siya. You are going to marry" Mahira grinned like child.

"But the problem is we can't dance on 'Jutte do paise lo'. I dreamed of dancing on this song with your brother-in-law" Mahira nodded.

"They don't even know hindi" Mahira said and shook her head.

"Girls go and sleep. Tomorrow you all need to get up early and get ready" Khushi's mother entered saying.

"And Siya your mother is calling you" Siya nodded her head and left to see her mother.

"Today we slept enough, aunty. I don't think I would be able to sleep now. You know after mehendi function I was so tired"

"Mahira try to sleep otherwise dark circles will appear under you eyes" Khushi laughed. Her mother knows how to make Mahira sleep.

"You're right" Mahira quickly tossed on her side and closed her eyes.

"Turn off the lights, Khushi"

"Yes mommy you called me?" Siya said as she went to her mother.

"Oh you came. Sit here" Her mother gesture her to sit near her.

"Siya, tomorrow new chapter of your life will start" Her mother started. Hearing this a smile appeared on Siya's face.

"I'm not going to say much but few things which my mother didn't say" Her mother hold her hand.

"Give your hundred percent in this marriage,Siya but don't lose yourself in this marriage" Siya furrowed not understanding her mother.

"You know my mother told me, don't care what your husband do just stay with him, make him happy, give him respect. It's your responsibility. Once you're married just come in this house as a guest" Her mother laughed.

"But it was not her faulty. It was society but now we are changed. I just want to say give him respect if he gives you. Don't force yourself in this marriage. If this marriage doesn't work then it's fine completely fine. Your house will welcome you whenever you come"

Siya knew Lakshya would never do something which will force her to leave this marriage yet her mother's words scared her.

What if things doesn't work after marriage?

Things changed after marriage.

She would live in his marriage. She would live with his parents. His relatives. His everything.

What is she can't adjust into those things?

"Though I know Lakshya is good guy he won't do something stupid yet I'm saying this just for you to know we'll be there whenever you want" Siya hugged her.

"I'm scared" She told her mother. She wasn't scared but after hearing her mother some kind of fear erupt in her heart.

"Marriage is beautiful thing, Siya.... if our partner is with us in everything" Her mother stroked her back.

"And I know Lakshya will be good partner. I know you're scared because you don't know him but believe your parents we chose best for you" Siya hide her face in her mother's neck.

She was feeling guilt for hiding things from her parents.

"I know this new journey would be little difficult but I believe you'll make it easy"

Siya's hug only become tight.

Guests were running around, getting ready for marriage.

"Where are her heels?" Khushi asked Mahira.

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