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I ended up finishing my bottle within half an hour. Everyone still had theirs. Besides smiley. He downed his. I wanted more tho not gonna lie.

I snuck off into the kitchen grabbing another one. I opened the bottle and everyone's head turned to me.

Me: uhhh.

Baji: no. Put it down.

Draken: oh this is good.

Smiley: let her have fun.

Baji: she has school. And she has plans tomorrow. Y/n. No.

Mikey: oh boy.

I quickly raised the bottle to my lips drinking it and baji got up. I ran out of the kitchen still drinking. I ran to the other side of the room infront of the tv while baji was now by the kitchen.

Angry: shes fast.

Smiley: haha. She's a runner shes a t-track star.

Mikey: I forgot smiley can be a light weight.

Draken: don't chug it y/n!

Angry: chug!

Smiley: chug!

Mikey: chug!

Me: bet!

Baji and draken: no!

I chugged the bottle throwing the bottle on the carpet.

Me: woooo!

Baji: for fucks sakes.

Angry: want mine? There's only a little left.

I took his bottle and drank the last sip.

Mikey: wait. Somebody tell a joke. Fast.

Draken: baji can't get a girl for the life of him.

I started laughing and the drank spilled out of my mouth a little and out of my nose.

Me: it burns! Ahhhh.

( I've actually had this happen. Beer going in your nose burns. Not. Fun. Don't recommend. But it's funny. Author out ✌️)

Baji: oh my lord.

Smiley, angry and draken were laughing. Mikey was just watching everything go down laughing a bit. Baji was just staring like 'the fuck happened to my sister'. It's called regret baji.

I stumbled over to smiley since I couldn't walk straight.

Mikey: she's drunk.

Me: hahah. Smiley. You're hair is so woah. Fluffy. And soft. Hehehe.

I sat on his lap and started to touch his hair in awe. I was straddling him without noticing.

Angry: she likes ya.

Baji: my little sister is drunk. Great.

Draken: she's a year younger. Boo hoo.

Mikey: when is her birthday anyways?

Baji: a week.

Me: can we play just dance?

Mikey: Im in!

Baji: oh fuck.

Me: wooo.

I got up and set the game up. Me and mikey did the first one since it was only two players. Needless to say we fucking killed it.

I walked over to smiley and stumbled on top of him.

Baji: she's laying on smiley... on the couch.

Toman lovers (chifuyu x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon