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We got home and baji went into the kitchen to see what we have for dinner. Meanwhile I tossed all my shit down and went to my room and changed. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a white oversized t-shirt.

I walked back out to the living room and plopped myself onto the couch. Then my phone buzzed.

Chifuyu messaged me. That's new.


Chifuyu🙃- hey. How ya doing?

Me- I'm good thanks for asking.

Chifuyu🙃- no problem. Just wanted to make sure.

Me- 🙂

Chifuyu🙃- so. Did you wanna hang out maybe tomorrow after school?

Me- with the group or just us?

Chifuyu🙃- just us if that's okay.

Me- sounds good. I'd just have to let big bro know.

Chifuyu🙃- sweet. I'll just swing by some time tomorrow after school then. Cool?

Me- cya tomorrow.

Chifuyu🙃- cya.

I turned my phone off and seen baji standing infront of me with his arms crossed looking at me.

Baji: one. Why are you smiling so much at your phone. Two. Who are you texting and how are they making you smile. And three-

Me: baji. It was chifuyu. He just asked to hang out after school.

Baji: oh. Okay. That's fine. Just you two?

Me: Mhm. Is that okay?

Baji: yea. Chifuyu is good. I trust him.

Me: sweet! Now. What's for dinner?

Baji: wanna order a pizza?

Me: yes!

Baji: alright. Should we invite some people over?

Me: hmm. Which people?

Baji: mikey draken and smiley.

Me: sure!  I'll text them while you order.

Baji: alright. Thanks.

I texted smiley first.


Me: Ayo smiley. You up for pizza with me and baji tonight?

Smiley😊- sure! Can angry come?

Me- yea why not. We're inviting draken and Mikey too.

Smiley😊- cya soon!

Me: cya!

Next was mikey.


Me- hey mikey. Wanna come over for pizza with me and baji and some others may come as well.

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