Start from the beginning

"Doll? What's wrong? Are you okay, what happened?" I was desperate to know what happened, and how to help her.

She shook her head slightly, like getting rid of a bad thought, and looked up at me with a glint in her eye I'd only ever seen twice. She was vulnerable, almost scared. "Hey Buck, um... can we-" she sighed, trying to force her voice out "can we talk please?"

I wanted to pull her into my chest and hold her till she felt better, but I decided against it, "of course we can, you wanna talk in here or your room?" Her eyes flicked to my room behind me and she took a microscopic step back.

"Can we talk in mine, I'd just feel more comfortable is all" I ignored the pain that it caused hearing her say that and nodded, shutting my door behind me and waiting to follow Ellie to her room. "Oh right" she opened her door and immediately curled up on her sofa, pulling a pillow onto her lap and hugging it close.

Making sure not to sit too close as to make her uncomfortable, I took a seat and looked at her. "Ellie, what's wrong? You look terrified" I prayed it wasnt because of me, but something told me it was. But it failed to tell me why.

Ellie's POV:

"Ellie, what's wrong? You look terrified" he truly looked concerned for me, and although it probably didnt show, he eased my anxiety slightly. I nodded, wanting to smile but finding it impossible with how scared I was hed reject me.

I didn't know how to start, didnt know where or why either. I just wanted to tell him. I had to. "There's something I wanna tell you Buck, but uhh... I just- I dont know how" I felt my leg begin to shake, joining my hands that had stared when I decided to knock on his door. He shuffled slightly closer and nodded for me to continue with a small smile.

When I didnt speak he put his hand on my leg, just above my knee, and rubbed circles with his thumb. "Hey, I wanted to talk to you too yanno. You want me to go first?" The corner of my lip twitched up and I nodded, praying it was what I wanted to say but was too afraid to let fall from my lips. He cleared his throat, "well... I was trying to find you earlier, to tell you something"

"Oh" I looked at him with a mix of hope and confusion, "what is it?"

"I like you Doll, I really like you" his shoulders slumped like a weight had been lifted off him, but the rest of his body stayed tense, clearly stressed about what my answer will be.

I was stunned. Despite how much I'd wanted this, I never thought it would actually happen. "What? Really?"

"Yes Ellie, really. I like you. Will you let me take you on a date to prove it?"

I broke out into a blinding grin, "oh my satan eating a blueberry! Yes! Of course holy shit! I like you too Bucky, like so much you have no idea, I was just afraid youd reject me cus you're way outta my league! Holy fuck!" My rambling caused Bucky to laugh, shaking his head at my nonsense.

He reached out and took my hand, "is that a yes then Doll?" I paused, and looked at him. Poking his face to check this wasnt another cruel dream, and pinching my arm I decided to go for it. Well, almost.

I threw myself at him, naturally he caught me, and buried my face in his neck. "I'd love to Buck, thank you" I breathed in his scent and all my built up anxiety seemed to melt away. He held onto me tightly ensuring I was as close to him as possible, and kept me there for a while. "Took you fuckin long enough" I muttered into his neck.

He laughed, and I felt it vibrate through his chest and me. I grinned at the sound, it was deep and felt like a true laugh. "Well you could've asked me yanno" he joked.

I decided to ignore his comment, mumbling into his neck I asked, "what will we do for this date then?"

"Hmmm... I have an idea or two, I'll surprise you Doll" I felt him smirk into my hair, making my smile somehow larger. I probably looked like some creepy bitch out of a horror film but I didnt care, I felt truly happy in this moment and I wont regret a second of it.

"Okay, as long as it's just us I'll love it" I squeezed him tighter, then moved my head out if his neck and faced him. Our faces were just millimetres apart, and I could feel his warm breathe on my face. My eyes kept flicking between those ocean blue orbs and the lips I'd dreamt of kissing, betraying my will to maintain eye contact. A small smirk peaked through, then before I could ask why Bucky leant in and connected our lips. I kissed back instantly, praying this wasnt another cruel joke my mind was playing on me, and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, tangling my fingers in his hair. His groan vibrated on my lips when I gave a small tug, and the metal hand on my hip gripped a little tighter while the other gently rested on my cheek. 

We broke apart, keeping our faces close

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We broke apart, keeping our faces close. His grip on my hip loosened but still stayed there keeping me close, his thumb rubbed my cheekbone gently then came down and swiped over my lips. I instinctively licked my licks after his thumb had passed over them and he gave a low sound I could only describe as a growl. It sent a wave of goosebumps over my body that lead straight to my core. I moved in to kiss him again, filled with need like the first one, but also what may've seemed like passion from the slower pace. When our lips separated again our foreheads rested against eachothers and we stared into eachothers eyes.

"Hi" I whispered at him, causing both of us to break into a grin. The metal hand moved up to hold my waist, his flesh hand staying on my cheek.

"Hi Doll" I hummed at the nickname, loving it falling from his lips directed at me. "Give me 2 hours and I'll come and get you okay?"

I gave him a confused look, not sure what he was talking about. Why would he leave? Oh shit did we make him uncomfortable, does he regret kissing me?

"Hey, dont even start questioning things, I just need to get some stuff sorted and I'll be right back with you okay? I promise I wouldn't leave if I didnt have to, and you'll thank me for it later" it's like he was in my head, already knowing my brain was going into overdrive.

I smiled and nodded, giving his head a light scratch "okay, see you later then" I leant in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You missed Doll" he kissed my lips, letting it linger for a second before pulling away. "I'll be back in a couple hours, promise."

I let go of him, and he did the same, but we sat for an extra second clearly taking what had just happened. "Hey, what's this for?" I decided to speak up and ask him.

He smirked at me once he was by the door, and gestured for me to come to him. Once I was stood close to him, he lifted on of my hands above my head and spun me around. Once I was facing him again, he pulled my hands to his chest and kissed my forehead. "It's for you" was all he said, before walking out the room and down the hallway like a man on a mission.

What are you up to my Hades? What are you up to?

Hello my little cherry pies <3 hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm really happy with how it's gone and how the storyline is flowing so far :) I love the 2000 word length so most will probably be like this from now on!

Also, what do we think of the new cover? Lmk if you want to old one back or have this one stay :)

As always, have a lovely day/night darlings, see you next chapter <3

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