53- MTF Celebration

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     Finally Gia pulled her hand back from his phone. "Nick? I don't know what to say. Why are you telling me this?" The tattoo and his admission stunned her.

     He stepped forward and hesitantly raised a hand to her face to wipe a tear from her cheek. When he left it there she closed her eyes and felt more tears stream down her face.

     "Have you forgiven me for what I did to your parents?" Nick's voice was shaky.

     Gia nodded.

     "Do you still feel anger towards me over their deaths when you see me?"

     He was so close she could feel the warmth of his breath on her ear. Again she nodded. She'd meant to say those things earlier, but somehow never managed to get the words out. "I forgive you, Nick, and I have totally released you from any guilt you still felt." She still held her eyes shut, not daring to open them lest her emotions take over and keep her from saying what needed to be said. It was her last defense.

     "Gia, can you find it in your heart to forgive me for keeping important things from you?"

     "Yes." She knew she already had.

     "Gia, would you please give me a chance to win your heart again?"

     Her eyes shot open. Defense or not, she needed to see his sincerity. Forgiveness was one thing, but giving him another chance with her heart? That was like asking her to free fall off the edge into the Grand Canyon and promising her there was a net at the bottom. She couldn't see it, and even if it were there, would it keep her safe?

     "I... I'm not moving, and I'm adopting Jolie no matter what." That was easier than stating all her fears. Surely those two things would change his mind.

     "I can work with that."

     "You can?" Did he hear her right? "You'd move to Charleston? You'd consider marrying me even though I have a teenage daughter?" She might as well just lay it out. She had no plans to risk any more of her heart if he didn't see her as marriage material based on who she was now.

     "If we start seriously dating again, yes, I'll move to Charleston. We can start out slowly and I'll come down for weekend visits at first." His voice was growing stronger and sounding more like the Nick she remembered. "And I absolutely would love to marry you and be the father of your teenage daughter if you and she will have me." Now the corners of his mouth were curling up.

     Her brow furrowed. Could she decide this now? They were still standing outside a busy building. She had to get to the airport for her flight home. She grabbed his arm and tugged him to the door. Once inside the much quieter lobby she looked up at him. The quiet didn't seem to help provide her any more clarity.

     "What if we just start slowly. We can talk to each other every day. Do some video chats. When and if your ready, I'll come to Charleston and we'll try out some real dates and fun days with Jolie. I want to fit into the life you're making there."

     Gia furrowed her brow. "You'd really be okay with leaving the city?"

     "Yeah. If I'm being honest, I think it was just a crutch. Something so different from my old life in South Carolina that it helped me forget what I'd done."

     "What... what if Jolie feels intimidated with the thought of me having a man in my life right now? What if she doesn't like you?"

     Nick chuckled nervously. "We'll just have to take it a day at a time. If it's meant to be, God will work out the details. Right?"

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