27- MTF Reason for the Season

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     "So what did you and Jolie do yesterday?" Nick glanced at Gia before turning back to the road as they headed to church.

     Gia turned and looked at the handsome man as he focused on the road. She needed to shut down those thoughts. Focus on Jolie she reminded herself; the beautiful young foster child whose life she was trying to fill with love and consistency. Just like the love she had been raised in, with the exception of those six dark months. "We went to the Rockefeller Center planning to ice skate, but the wait was so long we left and ended up in Bryant Park visiting the Christmas booths, and then we went to an adorable tea room called Alice's Tea Cup and had afternoon tea."

     "Sounds nice."

     "Yeah, it turned out to be a lot of fun, but I'm still disappointed that we didn't get to ice skate. That was on my bucket list for this winter, and every time I've been there the wait is ridiculous. I don't have that much patience."

     "You should go to the ice rink at Central Park, if you're not stuck on going specifically to Rockefeller Center. It usually doesn't have a line."

     "Hmm. I always forget about that one. Good idea. So what about you and Jamal?"

     "I gave him the choice, and he wanted to go climbing at a climbing gym we've been to a few times."

     "Gia and I were just talking about finding one the other day," Evie piped up from the back.

     "You two climb?"

     "I go through the motions, but Gia can really do it. She gets up to the top in no time. She's like Spider-Man."

     Nick chuckled. "That's an interesting visual image: Gia in a Spider-Man suit."

     The church was bustling with excitement; no doubt everyone was looking forward to Christmas in a few days. Decorations were simple, but added to the nostalgic feel.

     "Nick, welcome back! Coffee? I've got this fabulous latte that tastes like Christmas in a cup!" Jill's eyes fluttered as she stood behind the counter at the welcome center.

     Nick grinned. "You've tempted me. I have to try it now. Gia, Evie? You guys want one?"

     Evie shook her head, but Gia was curious. "I'm not really a coffee drinker, but you've got me wanting to try it too, Jill."

     Jill giggled as she went about making the drinks.

     Steam rose from the drink Nick passed to her. "Smells delicious." She cautiously took a sip. "Not bad. I still taste the coffee, but the other flavors almost make me not mind it."

     Breaking out in laughter, Nick shook his head. "That is the point, it is coffee." He reached for the cup Jill held out, then took a sip. "Excellent. Care to share the recipe?"

     One side of Jill's mouth curled up. "You might be able to persuade me."

     Before Nick could respond, Nessa and Omar approached.

     "Hey man. Good to have you back. How's your week been?" Omar placed a hand on Nick's shoulder and held out a hand to welcome him.

     Gia grinned and eavesdropped on their conversation while also trying to talk with Nessa. Soon Scott joined Nick and Omar's conversation. Nick look like he was enjoying getting to know the guys, which brought a smile to Gia's face. She wanted him to feel comfortable at church, and hopefully he would hear what he needed to in order to help him understand he could be forgiven.

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