23- MTF More than Enough

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     Racing out from the subway, Gia made her way to the Morgan Stanley building. After a restless night with little sleep, she threw herself together without the care she normally took, though she had to give some attention to the circles under her eyes. In the entrance glass she caught her reflection, and smoothed the hair falling out of her messy bun. This frazzled feeling was not something she was comfortable with, as she preferred her life to be well ordered. It gave her a sense of security.

     Allison was quick to notice Gia's agitation. "What's going on? You look... distraught."

     Gia leaned closer. "I'm breaking things off with Brian after work."

     "What? You seemed edgy at the Christmas party, but I thought you two were doing okay."

     Frowning Gia decided she needed to let her friend in on some things. "Can you have lunch with me? Just the two of us?" She glanced at Stephen. "There's a lot I should tell you."

     "Sure. I'm here for you." Allison's brows knit together in worry.

     "Thanks." Gia reached across and squeezed Allison's hand. "I'm lucky to have a friend like you. Turning towards Nick's office she added, "I better get started. You know how Nick... Mr. Bellanti gets when his schedule is messed up."

     "I'll ask you again, are you sure about this? Brian's a really good guy. He doesn't have all the baggage some of us have. Isn't that what every woman wants?" From the moment she entered his office Nick seemed almost exasperated.

     "I never said I wanted perfect. I just want the person who feels right for me. Sure Brian ticks all the boxes, but he's not the one for me." Her eyes move to the window, to the chaos that was Times Square. Her life might be a mess, but the world would go on, just like those people oblivious to the conversations that were taking place above them. "And anyway you said it yourself, he's a good guy. I'm a mess, he should have someone who can fully appreciate all he has to offer, not someone who can't fully love him and will bring him down." The side of her mouth pulled up slightly. It was the truth, Brian deserved more.

     While Nick watched her carefully, his look changed from skepticism, to something that was different, something she was scared to identify because he refused to have a real relationship, with her at least. Was she like Brian to him? Someone he thought was nice and "ticked all of the boxes," but not someone he could love. Jealousy flared and she wondered how things were going between him and Madison.

     "Right then, when are you meeting him?"

     "After work at the pub. I told him drinks only."

     He nodded. "I'm waiting here for you then, to take you home after. Just call me when you're heading back to the office so I can finish up things here."

     "What? No. I'll be fine going home by myself." She'd intruded in his life enough, and more than that she feared becoming too dependent on him.

     "You'll be upset, and won't be thinking clearly. Anyway, I brought my car specifically for that purpose." The look he gave her made it clear the subject was closed."

     A mixture of emotions running through her mind, Gia nearly stared a hole into the floor. "Okay. Thanks," she said softly before looking up at Nick. Her insides tightened as she thought about the irony that she was standing in front of one of the reasons she had to end things with Brian, and not only that, he continually did things that that made it hard for her to let go. But like some kind of martyr, she kept putting herself in harms way, as if the outcome would change and she wouldn't end up destroyed. Forcing a smile, she turned on her heels and left.

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