She smiled at his enthusiasm as his silver hair bounced when he jumped from his chair. The high ponytail of his swung side to side and she had to hold back the urge to ruffle his hair, it looked so soft. "How old are you, little boy?" Rae asked gently as she took a look of amulets in front of her. All of them were beautiful and she wondered why there's no one stopping at his stall. Luckily, she had her own money with her-Rogue insisted on paying her for her job in the kitchen.

"Eleven and three quarter!" He seemed proud of his age and Rae was impressed of how smart and responsible he was to start a business at such young age. His eyes glittered with sparkles as he took out a few collection of newest handmade accessories since she looked pretty interested in buying. "All of these are handmade, my sister mines ores by herself! And my brother and grandma turn them into earrings, necklace, amulets!"

"If you don't mind me asking, why didn't people buy them? I mean, these are all beautiful-"

The boy huffed. "People here don't believe our stuff are authentic. They spread rumors about us selling fake products, actually, it was our neighbour's son who started the rumor just because my sister didn't accept his flowers." He rolled his eyes and mumbled some incoherent words that she can't catch any of them. He was angry no doubt. Rae inspected a dark green amulet in her hand, feeling a connection with the color as it resembled a green forest-just like his eyes.

"Please, stay with me! Rae!"

"Ah!" She dropped it on the table and almost lost her balance if it wasn't because of that boy. Her fists clenched the cloak on her chest, lips groaning in pain as if there was a sword ripping her flesh apart.

People there quickly whispered to each other, wondering what had happened there. Some of them even pointed at the boy, accusing him to bewitch her with his wicked stuffs. "Oi pretty lady, what's wrong?" He helped to balance her body, holding her other hand and waist to guide her to a chair. His face was freaking out, the pretty lady seemed to be from a wealthy family and he was afraid if he somehow had offended her. "Damn it, I shouldn't have accepted to handle the stall today! Damn, Yuki!"

"Look at that, everyone! He has cursed that lady!" Another boy suddenly pointed his finger to them and accused him blindly.

"Shut up, brat!"

Rae could only see blurry images of people circling around her but she can hear clearly the argument. The little boy was rubbing her palm, trying to comfort her although he already had his own trouble. That made her feel bad, because of her, he now was accused by others for stupid nonsense. "Please, settle down-" Her body betrayed her, her legs were still weak and Rae coughed harshly, feeling her throat dry. "This kid has done nothing-"

"No, lady! He put a curse on that thing you're holding!" The noisy boy claimed. Then he said something about a family full of liars. "Oi, you said, you were once saved by the Dark Enchantress right? Do you think you're worth to be saved by such powerful mage? You're lying! She wouldn't save a poor boy like you-you should have die-"

"What did you say about my brother?!" A little girl around their age then appeared and swiftly punched him on the face, everyone there could hear a crack sound as he was sent to the ground hard. "Listen here, you piece of trash! I don't like you! Do you think I'd like you if you stalk me every time, spread rumors about my family? I can take it if you want to mess with me but don't ever harm my brother! Rae-nee-san saved him because we were her friends! She even bought us cakes-"

Her sentence was cut off when a pair of arms pulled her back from pouncing on the beaten boy. "Alright, that's enough my sweet little sister." A little boy with same silver hair but he had his long hair free-dragged her backwards as he told him to leave. He can't ensure his safety if he valued his life but he can spare him some time to hide from his sister. Rae then finally got an idea of them through her blurry vision, they were triplets, two boys and a girl. Their personalities were different for sure.

"Tch, I will tell my father!"

"If you are willing to visit the prison then yes. I heard your father is accused of bribing his workers? I wonder if he can help you when he's deep in trouble himself." The boy smirked behind his fan.

An elder helped Rae up, asking her if she's fine. "Yes, I'm alright. Thanks to this boy here." The blonde girl gestured and bowed to everyone there to apologize. It wasn't her intention to cause a commotion but she was simply overwhelmed by the products there. Rae breathed out and pushed down her cloak to show her face, hoping it won't cause problems to her soon. "I'm a researcher from abroad, I came here to find some interesting artifacts and these accessories are all made by rare ores. How can I tell it? I have a magic power that enable me to see something no one could see."

Obviously, it was a lie. "I can discover stories behind minerals. As you might know, minerals are one of the oldest composition in this world and they hold many unravel pasts." More lies. Maybe it was because of her clothes that made her look like a noble lady from a wealthy family made her story believable. Rae smiled, telling everyone that she witnessed a great story behind the amulet she was holding earlier. Apparently that amulet was once belonged to a man who received it from his lover as a witness of their pure love. Rae could see many ladies were attracted to her story, as expected.

"But how tragic their fate turned out. The girl had to leave him alone because of death but that man was still holding on to his last hope of their love, this amulet. Until his last breath of waiting to meet her again in the afterlife, he held this close to his heart. He wore it as a necklace so that he could keep her close always." It's hilarious of how everyone was now sobbing over her made up stories and soon, they decided to visit the stall and buy some for their loved ones, thanked to Rae's lies.

The boy with silver ponytail, Yato, happily ran to Rae. "Thank you, pretty lady! Now, we even have custom orders for twenty three! Grandma is going to be happy, I'm sure!"

"That's great!" Rae was glad. It was nice to help someone.

"Nee-san, are you really from abroad?" The little girl, whom Rae had learnt her name, Yuki looked at her with curious eyes.

Rae smiled sheepishly. "Who knows? Maybe I am? Maybe I am not?" Even if she was lying, the quality of their products wasn't a lie. Who knew, maybe there were stories behind ores? It was getting late, she had been taking too much time and the others might be worried about her if she didn't come home by dawn. "I'll buy this one." She held the green amulet and gave some gold coins to them, despite Yato refused to accept it as she had helped them a lot by gaining customers.

"I didn't do anything, it was all your hard work, Yato-kun."

"Yato-nii is right! We can't possibly accept more from-"

Rae patted both kids on their heads. "I'm not taking this for free. Now, why don't you use this money to buy cakes and eat them under that cherry blossom tree?" She wore her cloak back and left.

Tomoe, the oldest out of the triplets, called out his siblings' names. His eyes stared ahead frozen. "How does she know about the tree-" Just as he finished the sentence, Rae lifted her hand and waved it without turning around, revealing the black mark of Fairy Tail's insignia. The triplets were speechless as if they just saw a ghost which they might see one if the news of Dark Enchantress's death was true. But they doubted the girl was that easy to be killed since she was a powerful mage.

"Welcome home, Rae-nee-chan." They simultaneously said with happy tears streaming down their faces.


i dont know if you remember them or not but they are the kids in Chapter 91 of Euphoria. They didn't recognize her face at first because her hair was blonde now and her face had scars in case you're wondering about that.

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