Before 1

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"WAKE UP DUMBASS" Liam yelled through his wall. Harry just groaned and pulled the covers back on himself. He muttered something that sounded a lot like 'fuck off liam' but we'll never know.

It took Liam bringing in Niall and both of them dragging Harry out of bed for him to wake up. He walked into his class without looking up. The teacher, who was most likely sent by Satan himself, had painted the entire floor red. Maybe he wanted to feel more at home.

"OOMPH" Harry looked behind him. Being squished by him was a small looking boy with brown tousled hair. Oops.

"What the hell man" Harry turned towards the voice, still not getting up. It was Zayn, the one who constantly wore leather jackets.

"You're in my seat"

"And you're what, five??"  Oh the hedgehog speaks

When Harry still didn't move, the hedgehog just flailed his arms around, in a 'hello ?'gesture.

Harry moved, but not before hearing Zayn refer to the small one as 'Louis'. Harry snorts. What are you? A butler?

Unfortunately,(or fortunately depending on how you see it) Louis heard Harry laughing, and turned around.

"What are you laughing at Curly" Curly??? Excuse you.

Harry could not keep his laughter from bubbling out because Louis looked absolutely hilarious [read: gorgeous] with that look on his face.

"Alright I've had enough, what's your name"
Bitch that didn't even make sense

"Well then, Harry, tell me why you decided to sit on me today of all days"
Harry, who was currently staring at Louis eyes, in a non creepy way that's for sure, just blinked.

The teacher, who had just finished explaining why he was late, started taking about something mildly important.

Louis, who had a bit of a bruised ego from being fucking sat on like a whoopie cushion , was not one to pass on a good opportunity.

And onto Harry's desk, a note was slide.

"You're hot. Here's my number. Call me ;)
              - Louis "

Harry looked up. What the fuck just happened.

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