"Tubbo I like your attitude" The brunette clapped, "time for my monthly appearance on the internet!"


"Do you wanna be on the stream at all?" Ranboo asked me, nodding towards Ollie and Tubbo, who were excitedly setting up, "you can if you want to?"

"I wouldn't wanna interrupt or add too much for chat to be confused about—I'd like to watch though" I smile,

"you wouldn't be interrupting" Ranboo reminded, "you're always welcome."

"Thanks" I smiled warmly, "it means a lot."

"just know you can join in whenever" He traced along the peace sign on my arm, something I noticed he did a lot.

I nodded, "I'll probably just be working behind the camera—plus, front row seat to some new OllieInnit content? Count me in."

"good thinking." Ranboo grinned, "—Beautiful thinker moment."

"it is!" I chuckle, "we should start keeping track since there's been so many."

"we should" he agreed, smiling at the thought.


"sorry for when people flood the chat with hate" Ollie sighed, double checking to make sure the camera settings were correct,

"don't be sorry" Tubbo reminded, "if it happens, we'll deal with it, and it'll be no problem!"

Tommyinnit is now Live!


Tommy sent out the notification on all platforms as usual, "you sure you wanna be on?—I mean it's your call I just don't want you to be overwhelmed."

"There's gonna be hate and I'm fine with it" Ollie acknowledged, "Chat has funny insults every once In a while, it's cool."

User1: wait I thought she was dead

User2: holdup her and tommy are still together? Wasn't she canceled?

User3: guys watch out she's gonna get kidnapped again D:

User4: oh she's here :|

User5: lmao Oll*e not apologizing arc?

User6: surprised she isn't on the streets by now, why are they still friends with her?

User7: ollie needs to apologize.

WilburSoot: mods sub only and permban hate ty <3

WilburSoot: mods sub only and permban hate ty <3

WilburSoot: mods sub only and permban hate ty <3

"this will be interesting" Ranboo says, watching the chat cruise by as the starting soon screen played out.

"I'm just so famous yall would never understand" Ollie's sarcastic tone lightened the mood, "you guys still fine with me being on?

"we're more than fine with it" Tommy said instantly, messaging Wilbur on the other monitor.

"upvote" Tubbo noted before unmuting for chat, which died down only slightly.

Softnuage: money mode :D

User8: hi ollieeee

User9: sorry about the hate benchtrio :( Ollie kinda deserves it tho...

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