S1 Episode twelve- Time to panic

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(Tom hiddleston pov)
The sky was darkening, the third day was almost up. And still, nothing made sense. I wanted answers, I think everyone did... "Tom" I heard a whisper behind me.

Turning round, I saw y/n standing there nervously. "What is it kid?" I aksed, putting on a smile. "I want to show you something" she said.

I followed her/him into the forest, confused. "Are we almost there?" I groaned. We could no longer see the others, and it made me worry. "Just a but further" she/he mumbled.

I looked up at the tall trees, towering over me. Through the cracks, I could see the dimmed blue sky, and the sun as it began to set. One of the positives of being trapped here was the view. That I knew for sure.

"We're here" y/n said, her/his voice pulling me back into reality. I tunred my head, only to see a large black opening. "A cave?" I whispered. The child nodded, patting the rocks.

"Cool isn't it" y/n smirked. However, I didn't know what to say back. I was too busy staring. "So, will you come inside with me?" I stepped back, shaking my head.

"Wait, why me, of all people? Why not chris, or lizzie?" I complained. "Please, those two are great, don't get me wrong, but they worry to much. Theres no way lizzie would let me enter a place like this" she/he laughed.

Before I could say anymore, y/n tugged at my arm, pulling us into the mouth of the cave. Suddenly, the air got colder, wetter too.

I knew it wasnt a good idea, but the kid was right, I was a pushover. I didn't know a thing about parenting. "Its pitch black in here" she/he said, her/his voice echoing around the room. a little dust fell onto my head.
(Scarlett Johansson pov)
"Shut up robert!" I heard chris pratt yell. Lizzie rolled her eyes, making the both of us laugh. "Those two need to stop arguing, it's getting on my nerves" I groaned.

Im sure the whole camp was sick of it by now. Especially sebastian, who couldn't exactly walk away. "So liz?" I asked, turning back. But to my surprised, she was gone. "Fine, whateve, leave me. I'm used to it" I muttered, licking the leaves by my feet.

"Scar, what's wrong?" Jeremy asked, walking over. I shrugged my shoulders, not really in a talking mood. "Come on, you can tell me" he smiled, taking a seat. I said nothing.

"Is this about Prat and Downey?" I shook my head. "Is it about lizzie, did something happen between you?" "No" I mumbled, getting tired of his questions. "Is this about rose?"

Almost instantly, I started crying. "I...I j..just m..miss her so much" I stuttered. "I know that its stupid, shes fine, she has to be" renner shuffled closer. "So what's the matter?" He whispered.

"I'm afraid, that... well. I'll never get to see her again" I admitted, my bottom lip trembling. I broke down, my hands shaking from side to side. It was very rare that I had panic attacks, so it scared me.

"Hey, look at me" I heard him say. Through my blurred vision, I saw Jeremy's eyes, glaring down at me. He held my hands, and crouched down. "You will see your daughter again, I promise" he whispered, trying his very best to keep me calm.

"What If you wrong?" I said. "I can't be wrong, not when I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to reunite you with your daughter, even if its the last thing I do" he shouted, using his power of tough love.

"Do you remember the day that rose was born, and your husband got stuck in traffic" he asked me. I nodded. "What did you do?" He questioned, I tried my best to breath, to stop my legs from shaking.

"What did you do scarlett?" His eyes were practically begging for an answer. "I called you, you came to the hospital and held my hand the entire wat through it" I said aloud, it was the first time I had.

Up until then, I had never really realised how much Jeremy had done for me. He was such a good friend, I felt guilty that I couldn't always be the same.

"I'm here for you scar, through the good times, but most importantly, through the bad, don't you ever forget that" he said, pulling me into a hug.
Y/n pov
The further we walked, the darker it got. Tom, however, seemed much more concerned about the ceiling. "Y/n, what's the reall reason you brought me down here?" He asked me.

I sighed. I knew he would catch on sooner or later. "I wanted to talk to someone other than Chris" I mumbled, turning to my elder. I couldn't see his face, but I could here his breathing.

And for some reason, it gave me comfort. Sweat dropped down my forehead, as I braced myself for what I had to say. "What is it?" He asked concerned.

I had been waiting for this moment the minute we crashed here. Exept, I wanted to tell pratt. I wished i could, I was just ti afraid. He barely even knew me. "Its chris, he's... he's my..."

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. He grabbed my arm, pulling us towards the entrance. "Its going to collapse!" I yelled, rocks falling to the ground around me.

Unfortunately, one hit Tom's wrist, causing his hand to part from mine. the walls caved in around me, I watched Thomas make it out safely. However, I couldn't say the same for myself.

The only source of light was gone. My bones were bent and snapped in ways they shouldn't be, or at least that's what it felt like. I coughed, there was  barely enough room to breath.

I was trapped, with no way out.
Word count- 1003
Woah, this ain't good
But Jeremy, hes so sweet, comforting scar like that :)

I want you readers to guess my age xxx
Hint- not an adult
Shout out to people who guess it

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