S1 Episode eight- New home

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(Chadwick pov)
Anthony, Flo and I headed back, and went straight to Robert, who was drenched in sea water. "We have some great news" I said excitedly.

I then continued to ramble on and on, about this amazing place, and why we would be better off living there. Rob kept nodding, up until I mentioned how far the walk there was.

"It sounds great, but how are we supposed to get Sebastain and Evan's there, they can barely walk. "We have enough people for that, and if worst comes to worst, we build some sort of wheelchair" Anthony suggested.

I nodded, staring and waving to lizzy in the distance, she was having a water fight with y/n and Pratt. It made laugh. "Lets go talk to the others" Rob suggested.
(Lizzie pov)
I had never seen y/n full of such laughter. "Its so warm and cosy" she/he giggled whilst relaxing the waves. "My mum used to take to the beach, every day on my birthday"

It made me curious, the mention of her/his mother. She/he had never really talked about her before. "What was her name?" I asked. "Annie" she replied, smiling.

"That's a pretty name, just like yours" chris said. Y/n splashed him. "Oh please, stop being cheesy" She/he joked. I laughed, diving under the water and back again.

"I cant touch the ground over here" y/n then called. I looked over, she/he was far our into the distance of the sea. "Be careful" I said, my mother instincts kicking in.

Chris gave me a concerned look, before swimming out to the child. "Woah, it is deep over here" he said startled. "Annie drowned"

Chris and I said nothing, how could we. She just blurted out with it. "What?" Chris said, in his caring but startled voice. "She... she got caught in a current, and... and she drowned"

A tear dropped from my eye, but I wiped it. I had to be brave for her/him. "I'm so sorry" I said. "Its ok, I barely even knew her/him" y/n shrugged, before swimming a circle around me.

Y/n was right next to me now, panting in the water. All I could see was her/his arms and head, the rest was covered in the misty brown water.

"Who did you live with?" I asked her/him. "My parents, why?" She/he asked me. "Well, its just, if you never really knew either of them, you cant have grown up in the best situation"

Y/n looked down, and was clearly thinking about something. "It never really bothered me, until now, now I really miss them, and I don't know why" she/he told me.

"I'm sure they miss you too, in heaven" Pratt whispered. She/he laughed. "There definitely not in heaven" she/he said, like it was nothing.

Pratt gave me a look, and I passed it right back. "Hey guys! We want to talk!" Robery yelled from the beach. "Coming!" I screamed back, hoping her could here me.

"Right, let's go see what the old man wants" I said. Y/n giggled as we swam back to shore. She/he went ahead, so I whispered something to Chris. "I'm beginning to feel like y/n's life wasnt what we thought it was"

"You think?" He said, sarcastically. "I think I'm glad she/he is too young to properly understand" He continued. "That's the thing, y/n should be old enough to realise her parents are bad parents"

"What's your point?" Chris aksed me, as we walked across the sand. "My point is, she/he isn't like other kids, at all"

(Y/n pov)
I heard lizzie and chris talking about me. What they were saying, who knows? But I didn't care.

I wasn't really sure what happened earlier, why I told them about my mother. I guess I was tired, and it slipped out. Or maybe, possibly, I felt I trusted them. More than the others anyway.

"I want to talk to you all" Robert said, as everyone on the island gathered. I forgot how crowded it was, I hated crowds. "Y/n come here" chris said, reaching out for me.

I didn't take his hand, but I stood between him and Olsen, feeling a lot safer. "We have decided to move camp, to a space Chadwick, Anthony and Florence discovered earlier today.

I tuned out after that, staring at the sun as it slowly moved downwards. It was only when chris snapped me back into reality when I realised everyone had gone.

"Were leaving now, you ok?" He asked me. "Are you ok" I mimicked. He ticked me, before lifting me up and above his head. "Put me down!" I said, while in a fit of laugher.

Lizzie was giggling too when he fiannaly put me back onto the sand. I could also see Seb and The other American chris glaring at us, smiling.

"I don't want to move camp, My den was so cool, and were so close to the sea" I moaned, flowing the crowd through the forest. The three of us were at the back, and I liked it.

Chris Evans was limping, with the help of Pom and Zendaya by his side. Whereas Sebastain, who couldn't walk to save his life. Was lifted in the air by Hemsworth and Scarlet.

And for a second, I swear he almost  fell asleep.

"Did you not listen to Rob, he told us there's a waterfall here, with a pool under it" lizzie explained. I yawned. "Sorry, I zoned out after he said the word move" I chuckled.

"I think weve all lost alot of sleep, we might start hallucinating soon" Chris said. I laughed. "We are not going to start hallucinating Pratt" I sighed with a grin.

Suddenly, he stared at me weird, crossing my arms. "Are you sure, because right now, you have two heads" He joked. I nudged him aside, rolling my eyes and giggling.

I stared at lizzy, who also did a role of the eyes. "Chris, I think, i think your head just turned into a chicken!" I said, joining in in this daft joke.

"And its laying an egg!" Lizzie yelled, as we fake screamed. "Ha ha, very funny... my head is not a chick" he put his hands to his head and his eyes opened wide.

"Ahhhhh my head is a chicken!" He screamed.
(Chris pratt pov)
"How close are we?" Y/n aksed me, tugging on my shirt. "I dont know, ask Chadwick" I suggested. But she/he went all tense.

"Someones gone all shy" Lizzie laughed. "I'm tired" y/n moaned, kicking the sticks under her/his foot. "Want to go on my back?" I asked. She/he shook her/his head.

"I'm not a baby" y/n mumbled. "Hey, I  have Hiddleston on my shoulders all the time, lazy one he is" I joked. She/he laughed, before looking ahead of her.

According to Anthony we were still a couple miles away. "Fine, can I go on your back now" y/n mumbled, shyly. "What was that? I thought you were to grown up for that?" I said.

She/he smiled sheepishly, also looking really tired. I then bent down and picked her/him up. And to my surprised, she/he was really light.

I was going to say feel free to sleep, but within minutes her/his eyes were completely shut, and I never heard a peak out of her/him for the rest of the journey.

When we finally did arrive, I patted y/n on the back, and lifted her/him of me slowly. "Hey, Wake up honey" I whispered. She/he opened her/his eyes, and looked around.

"Woah" y/n whispered. Wich was also the exact word that had come out of Elizabeth's mouth just minutes before. "This place is perfect" Dom said, appearing behing me.

It was really dark by now, and the woods seemed more like a horror movie. "We cant build in this light, so... we should just find somewhere warm, huddle together" Paul rudd suggested.

We all nodded, before splitting up. I wanted to Ask y/n to come sleep near me and liz. But when I looked. She/he was climbing up some rocks towards the cliff edge.

"She/he told me she/he wanted to be alone" Robert told me. "Is she/he ok" I aksed him. "She/he better than ok, thanks to you, your great with kids." He said 

"Thanks, Ive had experience"
Word count- 1438
I liked writing this chapter
Hope you enjoyed, please vote, comment and have a great day
Xx Jes

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