S1 Episode four~ Bonfire Resalution

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(Y/n pov)
I weaved my way through the tall oak trees, still feeling like my head was on fire. One of the few things I dislike most is talking to someone face to face, especially when things are as awkward as I knew they were going to be.

Soon enough I saw him, sitting down by the ocean. The sky was already pitch black so I couldn't see very much. I walked over and refused to sit down, towering over him. "What do you want?" I mumbled. He then stood up awkwardly infront of me.

"I want to know if I did something wrong?" Chris asked me. This question made me feel guilty, of course he didn't do anything wrong.

"No, I" I said, hearing him let out a sigh of relief. "I just... its my fault, I dont really know what happened" I stutter, my left eye realising a tear.

"I just thought, maybe I got to close, I understand if you want your space" He said trying to apologise. "Actually, I liked the comfort" I replied

He looked at me startled. "Then why did you walk away?" "Well... my dad just died, and I guess I felt like letting you into my life so quickly... it, it just didnt feel real"

"It felt like I was trying to replace him, and I know he wasnt the best dad, but you guys are just strangers. I dont even know why you care about me" I said, finally taking a seat next to him.

"Actually, I get it" he said. I looked him in the eyes. "You do?" "Yes, when you hugged me, you were imagining me as your father, so when you realised it was just my unfamiliar face, you freaked out" he explained.

I was surprised, he knew exactly what I was going through. "I did not want to upset you, I loose my temper sometimes, and I put walls up" I admitted. "So do I" he whispered, smiling that warm sweet smile of his.

In the distance we saw a spark of fire, followed by large flames. Scarlett and flo screamed with excitement. "We did it we did it!" They yelled. I laughed. "Would you like to join my by the fire" Chris said holding out my hand.

"Yes" I replied, putting my hand in his amd allowing his muscular body to pull me towards the light. Everyone, and I mean even one quick joined us. I was surprised to see Bree larson sit right beside me, and of course Chris on the other side.

"How you doing kid?" She asked me, her smile so similar to pratts. "I'm ok, what about you?" I said trying to be polite. "I'm hungry" she said rubbing her stomach and putting on a funny voice.

I giggled as she tickled me, it was nice to finally let free. Yet not long later Robert stood up and hushed everyone. It was weird when the place fell quiet.
(Brie Larson POV)
I could see why Chris likes her/him, she/he was amazing. And had eyes such a beautiful (colour of your eyes)

Robert began to talk, clearly trying to take charge of the situation, I didnt mind though. "Most of us here know each other" he stated. I saw nods and heard mumbled yes's. "However, there is one girl/boy here, named y/n"

The crowd stared at her/him almost instantly making her/him blush. Then I saw something adorable, Chris reached down in secrecy and took her hand. I noticed how instantly she/he  relaxed when that happened.

"So I thought, to make things easier, we should all say our names" Downey said. Not long after that we went round and said our names. I remember clearly when we really hiddleston he said. "Hi, I'm tom, but the cooler one of course" wich made us all laugh.
(Kat dennings pov)
My leg has been aching since the moment I awoke on this god dam Island, and it only seemd to get worse. Yet I pushed it aside not wanting to bother the others.

After introducing ourselves to y/n, I saw multiple people yawn. "I think we should get some sleep" I suggested. Many nodded, and then we got up.

I saw the holland brothers and y/n walk back to there den, and other split. I was bunked up with Tessa, and not gonna lie, we built a pretty awesome den. 

Tessa and I have been best friends since childhood, and when I landed the role of darcy in thor, she decided to go for valkrie. Wich I have to say is a great role, and she aced it.

"Do you think were gonna get off this island?" She asked me, as we lay across the dirt under the shelter of our den. "Yeah, I mean. Someone will come looking for us. They have to"

"But what are we doing here in the first place, and why can't we remember anything. Its not like every one of us has amnesia" She explained. What she said was true. That would be impossible.

"Maybe we were drugged?" I suggested. She stared at me like I was an idiot and laughed. "Drugged, really. By who, the pilot?" She joked. But I didn't laugh back.

She sat up. "Kat, you can't be serious" "how else to you explain this, please, if you have a better idea, then let me know!" I yelled. Realising we were probably interrupting everyone else's sleep.

She then talked in a whisper. "You realise the pilot your talking about is y/n's father right?" She said. "Your right, I'm being stupid" I said. But I only said it to shut her up.

As she turned to the ground to fall asleep. I stayed wide awake. I only thought of that possibility because I was drugged once, after hooking up with a bad guy, I'm not proud of it but I was gullible back then.

It remember not remembering anything from the previous couple of days. And this whole stranded on an island felt very similar. I could even smell something strong in my breath.

"Get some sleep kat" tessa mumbled. "I will" I said smiling. Then i rested my head on the ground and tried my best to close my eyes.
(Aaron Taylor Johnson pov)
Tom hiddleston, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Pratt and I built a huge shelter out of large leaves we found when hiking into the forets earlier during the day.

There wasn't a great deal of structure to it, but nevertheless it was warm. And with the four of us men inside I'm sure it would only get warmer.

"I could so do with a cup of tea right now" Tom said making us giggle but groan at the same time. "Nah, I'd rather have a whisky" Mark sighed, drifting of into a dream I'd only wish to come true.

"Did you guys here that?" Chris said. We all stopped, dead quite. "Here what?" I asked him. He shushed me and held his fingers to his lips. Then I heard it.

"Help me" was what we heard. Said in a voice I hadn't heard today. We looked round at each other in shock before rushing out the den and looking around.

Elizabeth, scarlett and Karen were out there. "Did you guys here that too?" Theu asked us. I nodded, scanning the woods for the substance of this contant cries. It was too dark to see anything.

"Over here" said the voice again. This time I heard it clear enough to know the exact spot it was coming from. I ran over and looked around. "Over hear" Elizabeth said.

We all rushed over and looked down. A man was sat by the bottom of a tree branch. "Sebastian?" Chris whispered shocked. I took a look at his mud covered face, and his multiple bruises.

Oh my god, sebastian stan...
Word count- 1330
This chapter was fun to write, comment, vote, and be sure to check out my other storys

Xx Jeslyn :)

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