Chapter 36: Soon it will pass...

Start from the beginning

“No matter. He is to be blamed and some way or another, he will be punished for his crimes against my mate.”

“Will I too be punished my Lord?” he questioned quietly. “For I will accept it with—”

“It seems you have punished yourself enough.” I told him and it was true that he had, for Kaio took nothing lightly— not his duty and not his failure to carry it out.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and he looked away. “Go and comfort your mate Kaio. He has not taken his brother’s injury well.”

“And you my lord? Will you seek to comfort your own mate this night?” he asked with a quick glance my way.

“Perhaps at a later time. I must speak with Lord Nathaniel.” I told him and with a nod and a bow, he left me.

At that moment a chorus of howls rent the air and I looked to the sky, wishing that I too could howl at the stars. Sometimes it was not easy being so contained. At times even a blood drinker of the Master class wished for a way to release his pain, but I would remain forever composed. After all, it was expected of me and if I were to breakdown, then from where would my Tony gather his strength?


I met with Nathaniel just beyond the camp gates, under the cover of night.

“My sources tell me that nothing has changed since our departure. It would seem your father suspects nothing.”

“Very good and what of my bothers’ absence? Has it caused much talk?”

 “Not that I was made aware of. Perhaps they provided a good tale with regards to their absence. Not a leaf seems to have been stirred in the coven.”

I nodded. “That is good to hear.”

“I am afraid however, that I have not yet heard word of your guards. It is as though they have simply vanished.”

“No. it is never so complicated. I believe they may have betrayed me and are in hiding.”

His brows furrowed. “I have never heard of any soul brave enough to betray you.”

I glanced into the trees as a squirrel ran across a limb. “Times have changed, I suppose.” When I glanced back at him, he seemed troubled. “What is it Nathaniel?”

“I suppose you could say that I wish for the days when life was easier. When I lived in the coven without a worry.”

“Yes. Those were better days, but now is not the time to dwell on the past. Find the guards and question them using whatever means you choose.”

“I will.” He turned to leave.


He glanced my way. “Do no tarry.  Time is not something we have on our side.”

“Of course.” And with a nod, he darted into the thick underbrush that would take him far away from this place.

I took a step toward the gates, fully prepared to visit with my mate for the night, when my incisors lengthened and a wave of lightheadedness overcame me.

I was starving. It had been too long since I last fed. I took a breath, a hand on the bark of the tree for balance. I could not visit with Tony in this state.

The wolves had banned the consumption of humans in the surrounding towns. It would therefore take me at least an hour before I found myself another town where fresh meat walked. An hour if I ran.

So I ran.


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