𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2

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Izuku groaned as he slowly regained consciousness. He felt a dull ache at the back of his neck so he reached for it to at least relive the pain but his hands were cuffed to the sides.

Panic surged through his body and he attempted to activate his quirk but to no avail. He gritted his teeth when he realized he was cuffed in a cuff that nullified his quirk. Dropping his head in defeat, he let his memories play on his head.

How they planned everything, the invasion, the scroll- wait.. the scroll! "Fuck.." He cursed under his breath. Of course, they caught him so they probably got the scroll back. Much to their efforts, those assholes even left him here! But Izuku doesn't worry because they will eventually get him out whether they like it or not. But why does the Dragon Kingdom have to have more advanced technology? He swore, those people are cursed with knowledge.

Izuku would be thrilled to study their technology if he wasn't wanted in six...seven? Yeah, it's seven kingdoms. Well he couldn't blame them. He killed dozens of wealthy assholes who used their power to abuse people who are unfortunate. He doesn't just kill random rich people, no. He's spared a lot of wealthy people who did good deeds to those lower than them, one of them happened to be the Yagi Family. They even gave him enough food and money to go back to the base which was three days away, all because the head of the family, Yagi Toshinori, thought he's doing these things for a reason which was true by the way. Albeit he was quite shocked when the old man saw right through him so he didn't complain and went on.

Going back to his memory regaining situation, he vaguely remembered being caught by someone. That left a hollow feeking on his stomach. The person's face was distorted. Now that just stirred up his already pissed off mood. He isn't really that fond of Omegas. All they do is whine to get what they want with people, usually muscle headed Alphas. And its fucking annoying. Not to mention the fact that his father left him and his mother for an Omega he accidentally impregnated while cheating on his mother. The fucking bastard had the balls to say "I'm bored, being with a Beta is isn't as fun as I thought" then fucking left for the fucking slut. An awesome parenting.

"Hey man, I recommed you should at least cover up your scent." A person suddenly spoke through the darkness. Izuku raised his head and growled at the newcomer. He saw a spiky red hair poking from the corner of the cell. "Sorry we had to keep your hands cuffed. According to the Silver Kingdom you're quiet powerful for a normal person." The man said, stepping out of the side to reveal himself even more. The green haired Enigma still growled at the redhead who raised his hands to attempt to calm him down.

"ነዘጎፕፕሃ ዘልጎዪ!" A new voice joined them. The redhead turned to the side then bowed. "ሃዐጎዪ ዘጎኗዘክቿነነ. ጎ ዕጎዕክ'ፕ ጕክዐሠ ሃዐሁ ሠቿዪቿ ፕዘቿዪቿ." Red replied. ,"ሠዘልፕ ጎነ ፕዘልፕ የዪጎነዐክቿዪ ዕዐጎክኗ?"

Izuku tilted his head in confusion. Of course they would speak in Dragon tongue, who woulda thought. He rolled his eyes at his own thoughts, does the newcomer even speak the common language? "ፕርዘ, ዘልነ ፕዘቿ ነርዪዐረረ ጌቿቿክ ዪቿዪሁዪቿክ ጎክ ፕዘቿ ረጎጌዪልዪሃ?"

He guessed that's a no?

"ሃቿነ, ፕዘቿ ነርዪጎረረ ዘልነ ጌቿቿክ ዪቿፕሁዪክቿዕ ነልቻቿረሃ."

Due to boredom, Izuku started counting sheeps behind his eyelids as he closed his eyes.

1 sheep.

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