Teppei-Remember Me

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Guys, I can only upload a couple of times a week now. I've been so busy moving to write T-T

AN: Listen to the music while reading!

In loving memory of Teppei...I loved him so much. I'm so sad for him. 

I stand next to my dearest friend and look at him with sad eyes. "Do you really have to go? Why can't you stay here?" I hold onto his arm tightly and hug it. 

"I have to (y/n), you should understand this more than anyone, I have to go. There's nothing here for me." 

My eyes water and my grip tighten around his arm. I so badly want to tell him that I'm here. That I'm his reason to stay but I can't. I can't force him to stay knowing how much he's wanted to leave this small town for better opportunities and I don't want him to lose this opportunity. 

He smiles and hugs me tightly, "Don't forget about me when I leave, remember me when I'm gone." 

I frown, "Please Teppei...I need you." 

He looks down at me and pulls me close to his chest, he places a kiss on my forehead, "You don't need me. You will be okay without me." 

Tears start streaming down my face and he smiles sadly and wipes them, "Please don't wait for me (y/n). I want you to be happy without me." He hugs me even tighter and I hold his hand, he turns to leave and smiles one last time at me, "Until next time,"

He lets go of my hand, tears streaming down my face, I watch as he boards the plane and he looks back and waves, smiling brightly. 

"Remember me." 

Years pass by and I don't hear back from Teppei

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Years pass by and I don't hear back from Teppei. I wait for him to come back. I know I shouldn't but part of me hopes that he'll remember me and come back. But it's an empty hope. 

As I walk past the shops of my small town it all reminds me of Teppei. All the memories we shared. The years we spent together in our childhood. All gone like the wind. Without him, it feels like an eternity. 

I stop by a fountain and sigh, tears stinging my eyes. I choke back the urge to cry as I look on at the sunset cascading across the sky. 

It's both a beautiful and sad sight to see. "Why won't you come home to me Teppei...I miss you...I haven't forgotten about you..." 

A sudden hand taps me on the back and I jump, startled out of my reverie. "This is for you." 

"To my dearest friend," I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner. You've meant so much to me but I haven't even bothered to call you back. My adventures have kept me busy. 

Are you well? Is the town just as small as I remember it to be? I wonder if you're still there. I joined the military. It's tough work but I enjoy it. I became a lieutenant. Are you proud of me or are you angry I left...angry I left you? 

I'm sorry, I regret not being there for you. I really am. I hope you will forgive me one day. I enjoy being in the military, where I can fight for the people I love. The people who I love more than anything in the world. 

I hope one day you'll understand what I'm trying to say. I hope you haven't forgotten me. I'm not even entirely sure if you have changed addresses or stayed in the same place. But when you receive this it is my hope that you'll keep remembering me. Now and forever. 

Sincerely, Teppei." 

I start crying and fall to the ground as I finish reading his final words, "Teppei..." 

"It seems that my letter arrived just on time then." 

I gasp and I look behind me and find Teppei standing behind me smiling down at me. 

"Didn't think you'd be so sad to see me." He gives me a friendly smile and I jump up and hug him tightly. 

"I'm glad to be home-" I kiss him softly on the lips and he kisses me back hesitantly at first before relaxing

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"I'm glad to be home-" I kiss him softly on the lips and he kisses me back hesitantly at first before relaxing. 

I cup his face in my hands and he smiles, "I love you Teppei. I love you so much...and I never got the chance to tell you that...but you mean so much to me. So so much..." 

I hug him tightly and I can feel his arms tighten around me, "(y/n), I love you too...You're the reason I came back. I realized I do have something here. It's you. It's always been you. I never told you, I was afraid. And I'm sorry I couldn't be here with you...to protect you-" 

I kiss him deeply and pull him closer to me, "Shut up idiot. You're back. You remembered me." 

"Of course. I love you (y/n)."  

Darling|Genshin Impact males x reader [Gender-Neutral (mostly)] REQUEST OPENWhere stories live. Discover now