Benett-Unfortunately Fortunate

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AN: Listen to the music while reading!

Poor guy, he's always trying his best but never gets any recognition for all of the hard work he's done. "I'm telling you-! I spent 4 hours writing that essay but then I lost it on my way here...I was in a rush!" 

I pat Benett's back, trying to comfort him. "It's okay, I wrote a second copy of mine so you can use it." I hand him my essay and his eyes widen in surprise and he takes it from my hands. 

"Thank you so much! You're the best!" I smile proudly and he laughs. 

He gives me a quick hug before running to his class. I smile at his figure running down the hall as I make my way to my next class. 

After class, I sit down at our usual table as I wait for Bennett to show up

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After class, I sit down at our usual table as I wait for Bennett to show up. When I see him walking in I smile and wave him over and he gives me a big goofy grin. "Hey, Benny! How was class?" He smiles and takes the seat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, "Pretty good! I didn't totally fail the class! Thanks for the save there, Ms.Lisa totally would've had my head if I didn't turn in my book report again." 

He laughs and flips his hair back, moving it out of his face. I smile and him his lunch, "I made sure to pack your favorite food." 

He grins and he quickly takes the brown paper bag out of my hand, "Aww, shucks, thanks a lot, I don't know what I would do without you." He gives me a thumbs up and digs into his food. 

I try to help him out as much as I can, after his parents died he was forced into an orphanage but of course, he was my childhood friend. I couldn't let him stay there alone and cold, and neither could my grandmother, so she took him in. 

I promised him and my grandmother that I would take care of him no matter what. My grandmother treated him like he was her own child, she loved him. 

She passed sometime after we graduated from high school so we saved up enough money to get an apartment by the college until we can graduate and who knows where the journey will take us? 

"Hello? (y/n)? You've been zoned out for about 2 minutes now staring at me. Razor is getting worried about you. And so it Fischl." 

I shake my head out of my reverie and smile at him, "Just wondering where the road will take us after graduation." 

He pulls me by the waist closer to him and the others look away knowing this will get awkward for them. 

"Wherever that may be, I'll stay by your side, and when I can, I will take care of you. I promise." 

I smile and quickly pull his arm down a secluded hallway

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I smile and quickly pull his arm down a secluded hallway. 

"What are you-" 

"Benny, there's something I've wanted to do for the longest time and I hope you won't hate me after I do it." 

I nervously bite my lip and he holds my hands and frowns, "Ok..?" 

I take in a deep breath and raise up my hand to his face and caress his cheek softly. He gasps as his eyes widen in realization. I hook my arm around his neck and pull him down to my level, resting my head on his forehead. "I promise...I will take care of you until the very end...I'm fortunate to have met such a wonderful person like you." 

He starts to speak but I interrupt him by pulling him into a gentle and sweet kiss. But he doesn't pull away, instead, he pulls me closer and softly let's go after a few moments. 

"I don't hate you. I'm glad you did that. I'm lucky to have you. Let's continue our journey...together." 

I smile and hug him tightly, he rests his head on top of mine, "I'd like that." 

Darling|Genshin Impact males x reader [Gender-Neutral (mostly)] REQUEST OPENWhere stories live. Discover now