⚜ Chapter Seven - Vigor ⚜

Start from the beginning

"I see no reason to argue. Shall we?" Goku smirked, leaning a bit closer as he let the words roll from his tongue like honey.

"We shall, my dearest Zamasu~" With that the two walked slowly toward their destination. Neither moved fast, simply desired to take in the serenity. To bathe in the warmth the light above offered. To enjoy the other's presence that was so close. In a single month, Goku had forgotten his past home, making a new one. One that he cherished infinitely. His newfound family that he'd guard with every ounce of his strength. His new home was all that mattered to him in the expanse of the worlds beyond the gaze.

Arriving at the main building, the two entered before separating their hands. Goku never minded the contact, but it felt disrespectful to be physically connected to another in such a divine place. So he promised to keep his habits beyond those walls that kept him safe and made him feel whole. Zamasu had split off, heading into the back to no doubt begin his usual preparations. With all the training in meditation, Goku had become a different person. He was no longer run by anger, but was as calm as the sea. He moved freely and without hesitation. His own heart and mind were in sync, finally at peace with everything. It had truly opened up new lengths for him. He'd tapped into his goals, even growing accustomed to the power's flow and the weight it offered along his mortal frame. A month of training with meditation had got him accustomed to closing his senses off. To let his body move without the others. It allowed him to reach Ultra Instinct, though not perfect. Or at least in the past. At his current level, he felt different. As if it was finally time he reached the new stage. He had finally been able to shatter his limits completely and acquire the feats of possessing Autonomous Ultra Instinct. It made him linger on the thought of Whis. He wondered if the other would be proud or over thrilled, even if he no longer remained near.

Brushing the thought away, he approached the main table to see Goten being scolded gently. It was a laugh for the Saiyan, to see his cub seeming so defeated by an elder to his age. Chuckling slightly, he took a seat as Gowasu grew quiet, shifting his focus to Goku. The Saiyan spotted the relief on his cub's features, only making him laugh further. After settling, he met the older Kai's gaze before lowering his head a bit.

"Welcome back from meditation. How did it go today?"

"I was able to remain in meditation for the entirety of the three days, which is a new feat for me. I've normally been pulled back to reality within two days." Gowasu nodded, hearing the wheels of a cart roll along the ground. It brought most gazes to Zamasu, who offered a sincere smile. He stopped by the table, pouring tea for his Master before offering something for Goku to eat. It left the other to show his thanks. Once everyone was served something, the other Kai joined the table beside Goku. "I appreciate the food, Zamasu."

"I figured three days required nutrients." Goku nodded, eating his food slowly. With his stay, he'd changed certain habits. His body with meditation required less food as well as heightened his energy reserves. It allowed him to fight longer and with a greater strength. Along with those changes, Goku has changed a bit physically. He wore a more gentle and calm appearance. His mind was always clear and he was never overtaken by rage. It was as if he was a new person.

"So tell me, Goku. How was the meditation? Any improvements?" The Saiyan stopped eating for a moment to offer a short nod. It piqued the other's interest before Goku rose from his seat.

"I have finally mastered it. It took some time, but I finally surpassed my own limits and reached a far greater length." The two Kai's watched carefully as Goten seemed the only not entirely drawn to the words. He carried on eating as the other's watched Goku's darker appearance seem to shift. His once black hair faded to a silver as it seemed to sparkle, leaving a glow to outline a masculine body. The silver hue wrapped his frame, giving a heat and a calming wave that washed over the rest. Those once chocolate eyes were like melted silver, dripping with strength and raw power compressed into something divine. "I no longer simply have the glow, but have achieved the form. It still holds a limit, but it does not harm me any longer."

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