The week was chaotic with exam schedules being so sporadic, and by the time my exam day came around I was a bundle of nerves. Naomi and I sat in the seating area of our dorm, chatting about some student who managed to set themselves on fire the day prior, when Blake exited her bedroom. She approached, her arms stretched over her head and a green apple in hand.

Blake and I had yet to mend our strained friendship. We didn't talk so much anymore. When we did, it was awkward small-talk, and most of the time she was only speaking with Naomi.

"When are your exams?" Blake asked, taking a bite of her crisp apple. She sucked her cheeks in, like it was sour, but chewed through it.

"Tomorrow," Naomi said.

I flicked my stare to the wall clock. "Mine's today. In half-an-hour, actually."

"Ah," Blake said, or tried to, with her mouth full. She swallowed. "Who with and what room?"

"Sakura Ishida. Room fourteen. Why?"

"Well," Blake said, approaching the door. "Each professor has different tests and sometimes they're recycled. I was curious if you'd have the same one I did, but I have a feeling you won't."

"What was yours?" Naomi asked, bouncing her legs.

"Don't worry—freshmen exams are easy." Blake waved. "Mine was to find an exit in a small dungeon about the size of the cafeteria."

Interesting. My stomach tightened anxiously as I wondered what my exam would hold. With any luck, it would be just as simple.

"Good luck. I'm heading out to study. I have a couple days left until it's my turn."


Blake left with a smile, the door clicking shut at her exit.

"See? She's already back to normal."

"I don't know," I said, twisting the ends of my ponytail. "Still feels strained."

"I'm sure she just feels silly for being mad. Give her a chance."

"Maybe you're right." I jerked my thumb to the door. "I think I'll head over though. I can't stand to wait any longer."

"Good luck!"

"Thanks, Nomi. See you in a bit."

Grabbing my coat, I pulled it on and exited the dorm, skirting down the hall as I tugged my hood over my head. I stepped outside into heavy rain, standing at the top of the steps. I breathed in. It smelled fresh and earthy, but it hit. Hard. Better hurry. My hand wrapped around the rail as I started down with extra vigilance, watching my feet like a hawk. I was so focused I didn't notice the figure approaching until I heard rain bouncing off polyester.

A hand waved in front of my face. "Hey, Vera."

Taking the final step down. I found Nix sporting a polka-dot coat. The smile was impossible to stop. "Nice jacket."

"Naomi borrowed mine the other day," he said, scratching his nose with an embarrassed grin. "So, I borrowed hers. Headed to your exam?"


"I just finished mine. It's a no-brainer."

That was nice to hear. I shrugged and pulled my hood higher over my head. "Blake says they're all different."

"I'm sure it'll be no trouble for you." Nix jerked a thumb toward the building. "Need a walking buddy?"


We entered the left building. I eyed the room numbers as we went, not sure which one, exactly, was fourteen. It wasn't one of the rooms I usually had classes in, either.

Cursed to the BoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora