chapter 9 fun day out

Start from the beginning

"So Bella, tell us what is it like in the future and what year did you come from?" Baldroy asked.

"Well I came from the year 2015 and in the future we have cars. They are almost like carriages but they have a motor and don't need horse power," I continued to tell them about everything I knew and future wars and problems they would have to face.

#~*~*~*~*~*time lapse ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

When we reached the town May-rin insisted I step out first so I did and she was followed by Ciel and the two boys. Tanaka was still at the manor probably drinking his tea.

"Well Baldroy and Finny go find something as a little treat for not setting the kitchen on fire or ruining the garden in a whole week,"  Ciel instructed, "as for you ladies I have to meet with some people to make sure the shipments are what I ordered unlike last time," he held his nose again and muttered to himself, "idiots, so anyways Sebastian If you wish you may accompany the ladies or come with me to my meeting," he turned and began to walk away and surprisingly Sebastian stayed behind with us.

"Well we can't have two ladies alone at this time of day can we?" He was teasing me, again. May-rin blushed like crazy.

"Well should we get going?" I broke the minute of silence.

"Yes that would be a good idea," Sebastian agreed.

We headed to a small tailor shop and saw countless beautiful dresses that covered the walls and racks. While May-rin was used to seeing things like this, it was all completely new to me. Granted ballet shops were similar but they didn't have ball gowns hanging on hooks and mannequins. I walked over to where the every day dresses were and figured I would only need maybe three because I would be wearing my maids outfit mostly. I picked up a dress that was a dark blue and had a knee length skirt and elbow length sleeves. On the top it had a built-in corset and a lovely sliver ribbon lacing up the dress. There was a small fitting room I walked into and when I walked out a few other women turned their heads and whispered.

"Well don't you look gorgeous," I heard Sebastians voice whisper from next to me.

"Do you like it? I figured I could wear it to like days out and stuff like that," May-rin ran over and almost tripped again.

"Oh my goodness! Bella you look amazing in that dress and it matches your hair and eyes! Yes it does!" She had a smile ear to ear.

"May-rin why don't you pick out a dress for not breaking anything?" Sebastian suggested. She blushed and saluted him.

"Yes sir, thank you!" She got very excited and went through and carefully looked at every dress.

"Well what about swim wear?" He wouldn't stop teasing would he? He was very handsome and that kiss he gave me in the kitchen felt so right. Maybe I should give in, but after so much pain if something ever happened and we broke up what would I do?

"Bella? Bella are you alright?" He put a hand on my shoulder and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes I'm fine. I'm sorry," my old shell I had managed to shed had grown back and I wasn't about to go and find swim wear. I wasn't really one for swimming.

"Oh Bella look! I bet this would look perfect on you!" May-rin said handing me a black and silver swim suit which I thought looked like a bikini with how small it was and how little it covered. I was comfortable in long sleeves and leggings but not in small swim suits like this. Why? Oh why May-rin? Why did you have to bring this? I really didn't want to but she was so persistent it would have gone on forever if I hadn't finally said I would try it on.

I turned around and tried on the swim suit in the stall I put my jeans and t-shirt. When I was done changing I could see my ribs and hip bones. I was so embarrassed I covered myself up and didn't open the door.

"Bella? Are you alright in there?" I heard and a knock on the door. I was very reluctant to open and let them see but I figured Sebastian already knows about my anorexia but May-rin still has no clue.

"May-rin I'm about to open the door but promise me you won't say a thing about my appearance," I said trying to muster up all the courage I could. I looked down but what I saw really scared me. Is this day just full of surprises? My stomach had flattened and I couldn't see my ribs jutting out of my sides. I wasn't boney or scrawny anymore! I guess finding out about my past helped me unlock certain things like wings and healing myself XD.

"Sebastian you don't say anything either,"

"Of course my lady I wouldn't dream of it," he replied as I opened the door and felt really exposed. His expression changed from a closed eye smile to a look of amazement.

"Miss Bella! You look gorgeous! Yes you do!" She screeched and clapped her hands together.

"Yes she does doesn't she?" Sebastian said and he turned towards the door," master Ciel is in need of my assistance of you will excuse me," right after he said that a girl dressed in pink was dragging Ciel in and was going on about how he should have wrote or called her.

"Sebastian I don't think that will be necessary, it looks like he's been brought to you," I said trying to hold in a chuckle. He gave me a little glare but I didn't care. I closed the door again and changed back to my jeans and oversized t-shirt. When I opened the door again I brought the dresses out with me and two others and paid for them. But when the blonde girl realized I was with Ciel she looked over to the young master.

"Ciel who is that adorable lady next to Sebastian?!" She screeched. Her voice was high pitched and very loud.

"I am Bella Nightly I just started working for Ciel yesterday," I said I bowed like I always did after a ballet.

"Oh! I'm Elizabeth! But please call me Lizzy! I'm Ciels betrothed!" In my head I thought wow engaged to be married at this age? These people are insane, "Ciel why didn't you tell me you hired a new maid? Especially one that is so pretty!" She was soon distracted by a frilly rosey pink dress hanging on the wall.

"Well I think I should go find the boys, hopefully they didn't destroy anything," I said walking out of the shop with my dresses and leaving the group behind. I turned the corner and received a few glares and people starring at me. Well I suppose that's what happens when I am in the 16th century and I'm dressed like I just came from a shop for lunatics. I saw Finny looking at a blue bird he was very gentle with it and seemed to have a friendship with the creature. I didn't want to disturb him so decided to find Baldroy and rally him up with the others.

Inside a craftsman shop for heavy duty work tools I saw Baldroy and he seemed to be looking at flame throwers. I silently walked in and tapped on his shoulder.

"You really shouldn't be buying one of your getting a treat for not destroying the kitchen with one," I said he looked startled and swung at me as self-defense, "and I don't think you should be swinging at a girl," I said after I dogged his fist and pinned his arm on the glass. He smirked.

"I don't think it's very lady like to be picking fights," he tried to trip me but I did a back flip and landed as if nothing happened.

"Says the person fighting back? We need to go if we are to get back to the mansion for lunch," I explained. He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and chewed the end of it. We made a quick stop at the market for lunch and dinner items. What I was planning on making could actually be made with a flame thrower so I let him buy one but he had to be supervised when he was using it. I found Finny again and we walked to the carriage where we found lizzy sitting next to Ciel and May-rin on the other side of Lizzy.

While the two boys rode in the carriage I rode next to Sebastian and helped drive.

"Bella, you should probably practice with those wings when we get to the forest path," he told me. I nodded and for almost five minutes we were silent. All we could hear was the horse hooves hitting the ground and the carriage creaking behind us.

"Sebastian," I spoke up.


"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course,"

"I-I think I you," I said quietly and awkwardly.

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