23. Anchors Away

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Naomi cleared her throat. "It was my idea. In class today, Professor Moore said something about the minor planes being listed in the archives. Said there was a log of keepers. I convinced them to sneak in with me, sir."

"And so, you thought you could find the attacker by unveiling the owners of that minor plane? Were you satisfied with your answer?"

Nix shook his head.

"Lacroix," I bit out, staring Lucien down. It took a moment of careful consideration before I got angry. I didn't let his intense stare stop me, either. "That's the name. I saw it. Lauvet was there with her daughter. Her daughter is a student here. She is the one trying to kill me, and the plane she tried to kill us in? It belongs to you. You knew!"

"Of course, I knew," Lucien said, almost growling the words out. "I chose to keep it from you because it is information you need not know. Does knowing do anything but give rise to suspicion?"

I glared, angry, but could think of nothing to say that wouldn't sound childish. My eyes burned with tears at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. Pulling my legs onto the bed, I faced my back to them so they couldn't tell as a few tears trickled free.

Lacroix sighed. "I did not know of her daughter. As I said, she is fallen from favor. The four of you acted foolishly, but you were lucky. You will not face expulsion, but this will become a mark for your records. If you wish to have the mark removed, you will join me for detention. Tomorrow. My classroom. All four of you."

In the silence, all I could hear was a rush of relieved breaths.

"You three may go."

"Can we stay with—" Naomi started to speak, but Lucien cut her off.

"She will be out in a moment."

Lucien was quiet until their retreating steps were well and far away. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine."

"I do not do this to harm you. It is to save your life."

"I know." The bed shifted with his added weight. I peeked behind me to see his back as I wiped at my eyes.

"I am uncertain of what do with you. Neither Haywood nor I anticipated the severity of the danger you have found here. If you are not careful, your blood will freeze permanently at which point you can either die or . . . be turned. We must be aggressive in stimulating your magic growth."

I faced forward, rolling my wrists to get a feel for the cuffs. They were horrible and heavy; some sort of moon exposed metal I'd read about once. The name escaped me. The situation was more than a little unfair, but I wouldn't voice that opinion while he was still angry with me. "I lost your book."


"The one for the assignment. It's in the archives somewhere. I don't remember when I set it down, exactly."

"I will find it. I expect a paper all the same."

My lips tugged into a miserable smile. "Fine."

"You may return to your dorm, but the cuffs stay on. The Monday after next, I expect you in my classroom. I will allow you to cast with supervision but that is all. Your professors will be informed they may do the same. It will be like this for some time."

"Then I can't go to class next week?"


Drat. I sighed and rubbed at the edge of one shackle. "But next, next week?"

"In moderation. You must visit the infirmary daily for treatment."

"And what about the spells from this past week and on?" I asked, picking at my chapped lips with my teeth. I was already behind. What terrible timing to have screwed everything up.

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