Gia frowned and mumbled, "I'm sorry." She shifted on her heels, feeling uncomfortable after his comments.

     "It's... whatever. I wasn't going to infringe on your privacy by finding out your address." He ran a hand through his hair and something flashed in his eyes. "Anyway, you'll be a great mom." He bit his lip and his breathing faltered. "She's a lucky girl."

     "Thanks." Gia swallowed the lump in her throat. "So, um, where's Jill?"

     "Jill?" His hand went through his hair again. "She's not feeling so well."

     "Oh." Gia looked around, suddenly remembering they were surrounded by a room of people. "Well, I guess I'll see you Monday."

     "Can we not talk here?"

     "No, this isn't really the place. But I do want you to have a chance to tell me the things I wouldn't listen to before."

     He nodded and his jaw clenched before he spoke, "How's Evan?"

     "Evan? Um, fine I guess. I haven't spoken to him in several days."

     Nick raised a brow. "Hmm. Okay then, I guess I'll see you Monday. You mentioned you would be at the office that morning?"

     "Yeah, I'll text you when I'm almost ready and we can meet in the lobby."

     "Okay then." Nick smiled and took a step back. "I should probably say something to Allison and Stephen before I leave."

     "Not staying for cake."

     "Um, no, I have something I need to take care of." He smiled and then moved away leaving Gia shaken.

     He was probably going to check on Jill, but didn't want to rub it in. He was thoughtful about that at least, though it hurt to know. Of course she shouldn't expect anything different, since she came to New York with the knowledge that they were dating. He was a good man and treated those he cared for well.

     His comments about Gia not responding to him after their break up surfaced in her mind. How is it that even though he was the one in the wrong by keeping his past from her, she somehow felt guilty for not hearing him out all those months ago?

     This was not turning out the way she expected. She was sure she'd not have to see him until Monday, then she would let him say his piece, tell him she really forgave him and it would be done. They would both have closure. Seeing him beforehand just left her unsettled. Tomorrow called for some reflection time with her sketchbook at Central Park. Hopefully it would help her decompress and emotionally prepare for their lunch.


     Monday morning Gia was anxious to get work out of the way so she could talk with Nick. During her time at the park the day before, she concluded that she was fully released from the emotional pain of the hit and run, her parents' death, and the abuse by her aunt's husband. She had felt like the release happened after going to her parents' grave, but questioned if it was real and worried that seeing Nick again would trigger the pain. But after their meeting at the wedding, she was sure it was real. The only pain left between them, was in regard to his lying and hiding things, and the fact that she admittedly still had feelings for him.

     It was strange being back in the expansive headquarters building after months in their quaint historical building in Charleston. John Stein, her last mentor, had carved out some time to work with Gia, and the morning was filled going over questions she'd prepared for him.

     "I'm going to grab some water from the break room. Care for anything," she asked John when they stopped for a break.

     "I'm fine, thanks." He held up his coffee mug.

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