"What?" I ask as I look at Naruto.

"You just had to say his name..." he sighs and looks at me but doesn't actually say anything. "We want intel on Sasuke, and this guy says he's best friends with him, but he won't say anything about him!" she finally explains. "We don't make a habit of selling out our people." I answer her. She crosses her arms and scoffs, "Your people are Missing-nin and murderers?" I glare at her. "You don't know anything about Sasuke!" he is a Missing-nin, but I doubt he is a murderer... "He killed our Sensei, that's all I care to know."

Before I could answer her, another woman comes and tells them it was time to leave. "The sixth Hokage gave us information on Sasuke; we're leaving." wait, what? "Hold on!" I stop them from leaving. "What Sixth Hokage? Who told you?" they haven't appointed anyone yet...

"Danzō Shimura. He's headed to the Kage Summit now; he's already issued an order to kill Sasuke on-site; we are done here." she tells the two again, and they leave. Danzō is acting as Hokage?! How is no one stopping him!? I look back at Sai, and he's only able to nod.

"We have to stop this... he can't be Hokage. How did he escape?" I ask out loud as I help Naruto back to the campsite in the village. "He killed the guards keeping watch on him; he still has control over his Root ANBU." Sai tells us. "Well, you're going to need to share some information with us; we have to stop him. You know the reason for his arrest, don't you?" I ask him.

He pulls his tongue out, and I see a cursed seal... He can't say anything. "I know from you and Naruto what happened at the meeting. I can't say much on the matter." he says, and we drop the subject.

Sai has never been a fan of Sasuke, and I don't really blame him. He's seen Naruto get hurt a lot over that matter, and he doesn't understand his connection to him. I still haven't told Sai about Itachi and Sasuke or our meetings and new bond. It's not like I'm hiding it! I've just been busy, and the subject is sensitive with Sai!

I was going to get to it, okay!?

In the tent, I try to heal Naruto as best as I can. I did improve my Medical Jutsu, but it's still just the bare minimum compared to Sakura. Sai tried telling him to call Sakura, but Naruto didn't want to worry her; she's still emotional when it comes to Sasuke, and the world hunting him down isn't going to help. "She will be able to help a lot better than me; at least go see her." I tell him, but I didn't mean Sakura and he knew. "I'm not showing up like this, I'm fine (Y/N), I heal fast, I'll be fine." he smiles at me as he rests his hand over mine.

I look at him, still worried about his eye and everything else. "What are we going to do, Naruto? I never thought he would get out... and still try to be Hokage." I let out my thoughts. "Come on, where's my carefree, crazy girl? We will deal with this." he rests his hand on my cheek and kisses my forehead. I giggle, "I've been hanging out with too many calm people. Konoha's Hero has been too busy for me." I pull out a fake pout. He laughs and kisses my lips over and over again, his way of removing my pout.

"You guys do know I'm still here, right?" Sai says from behind us. We both laugh, and he just shakes his head. I get up to leave the tent, I didn't want to tell them at first, but things have gotten a lot more complicated. "I need to tell them; they deserve to know. I'll try to keep him calm, and we will work something out." he nods, and Sai follows me out. "Who are you going to tell? And keep who calm? I've noticed you and Naruto disappearing during the day for a few hours. Is something going on?" he caught on...

"Sai, trust me when I tell you that I have been meaning to tell you, but I know how you feel about it, and I wanted to find the right time. I just really can't right now; I need-" I get interrupted when I see two Root ANBU coming up to us. "Are you (Y/N) from Team Kakashi?" they ask me. I look to Sai, but he's just as confused as I am. "Maybe." I have an awful feeling about this. They both look at each other and nod. 

A Bright Future {Naruto x Reader}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें