Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"(Y/N)? Is everything okay? You seem a bit pale after reading the message." I hear Itachi say with a worried expression, but all I can think about right now is the message Sai sent me.


Naruto is being beaten to a pulp, and he isn't fighting back. The attackers are from another village. Follow the bird to get to us; he won't allow me to intervene. 

Oh, and I thought you should know. Danzō has escaped his imprisonment."

You have got to be kidding me! First of all, what the hell is going on with Naruto, and why isn't he fighting back?! Second... how in the world did Danzō escape? He was put away for treason, wasn't he? He shouldn't be able to walk around without getting arrested again? Did the Daimyō not announce it to the entire village? Has he still not given him a proper sentence?

"Oi, what's going on?" Sasuke asks as he comes closer to take the message from me. I jump away from them and burn the message. If they find out that Danzō is out with no issues, I know at least Sasuke will flip and try to find him and kill him. "I have to go; Naruto needs me. All is fine; I'm just being weirdly protective over Naruto again, don't worry about it." I tell them as I tell the bird to lead me to my boyfriend.

I hear Itachi telling me to be careful or stay calm, but that is already too late. I need to firstly check on Naruto and probably destroy whoever is laying their hands on him, and then I need to find Danzō and get him back to prison! He won't get away that easily! Not when I'm still around and kicking!

The bird takes me to a secluded area in the village, behind some trees and a shed. As I approach the area, I see Sai stop a girl from punching my... Naruto. To say my blood boiled when I read the message would be an understatement to what I feel now as I see my beaten-up man. 

"What the hell... is going on here?!" I seethe at the attackers as I walk closer to them, holding back everything in me to not lose control and rip them to shreds. "You... called her?" I hear Naruto ask Sai. "You do not realize how bad you are beaten at the moment, Naruto." he explains to him. "I'm fine, this is my issue, I don't want-"

I shut him up by gently putting my hands on his face to see how bad the damage was. "I'll kill you for doing this to yourself, Uzumaki." I whisper with my hands trembling, scared to hurt him more than he already is. His eye isn't even opening, and it's swollen badly. I turned back to the girl who was coming to land another punch and glared at her. "Who in the world do you think you are to lay your hands on him?"

"You should stay out of this as he told you to. This is between him and me; he practically asked for it." she replies, not even feeling sorry for what she did. "It became my problem the second I found out you touched him. I don't give a shit what he asked for; what kind of human beats someone else to this extent when he isn't even putting up a fight?!" I was slowly losing control.

"(Y/N), calm down. I'm fine." Naruto tries to calm me down, and I only raise my hand to shut him up, keeping my gaze on the girl. "If he just told me what I needed to know, we wouldn't be here. It's his fault." she justifies. "Oh, so it's fine if I fry you since you aren't telling me what I want to know?" I activate my Chidori and tilt my head at her. She takes a step back, "I asked, who do you think you are to lay your hands on him?" I walk closer to her.

"Sai, stop her. This will only make the problem bigger." I hear him grunt and Sai running to his side; I look behind me to see him unable to stay up. I turn off my Chidori and run to his side, and help Sai hold him up. "Does this make you feel satisfied?" I growl at the girl. "I don't know why you still protect Sasuke. If you just told her, you wouldn't be all beaten up." Sai says, and I freeze.

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