not a stalker

158 10 2

3:30 pm

(Shin Yuna point of view)

'I know you can do it Yuna, only thirty minutes left' I thought while starring at the clock right above the teacher's desk. "So thats how our country reach independence from Japan Empire" said the teacher in monotone, 'Why is the time feels like stop ticking right now?' I took a glance around the class and it seems like only me that not put as much attention as the others, and then...

"Okay class, I think thats enough for todays lesson" wow, that so early, "I just got a messege from teacher council to attend the meeting, I want you to stay in the class until the bell rang" I heavily exhaling, 'Even though the class is over, I'm still trapped in here' I lay my head back to the desk "See you on the next week and don't forget about your group assignment"

Then the only thing remains in this class is silence, no one even talk to each other after teachers left, thats why I feel awful in this class. Well, I should be happy because I'm in the number 1 class in this school, but this is not what I wanted, people in this class is too seriouse, too ambitious, all they know is just studying.

Finally the jingle I was craving before is ringing up, I immediately packing all my stuff to my bag and get ready to go out from this place. I used to love spend my time after class in the school library untill late, for studying or even reading novel while listening to my favourite music, but I'm not in the mood for doing that this time. It feels... different now, like somethings's missing, but I can't tell what it is, maybe I'm just... nevermind, I don't want to overthink about it.

I walk through the coridor and stop at the school locker to put my book in it. "Yuna" I was gasped and spun my head when someone suddenly tapped my shoulders and I see Kai is standing behind me, "When did you came here?" I asked him.

"Mianhaeyo hehe, did I scared you?"

"Don't worry, you need more than that to makes me scared hehe" I'm lying, he was really freaking me out "Why do you call me by the way?"

"I just wanted to ask you if you free on this friday"

"Emm" I'm touching my chin, "Sorry I'm busy, I have a school to attend to" I said jokingly

"Ani, ah~ silly me, I know you're gonna say that Yuna, I mean after that"

"Hehe, I'm just kiddig, well I think I'm free, why you ask though?"

"Well I don't know, I just wondering if we can hang out together like the other d-"

"Cool!! I really need that, when and where?" I said ecxitedly before he finished his sentence.

"Oh, that was a quick answer. Okay how about tomorrow afternoon at city park?"

"Okay then", "What about the other? you invite them too?"

"No, there is something I want to talk about with you privatly" wait, is he just asking me on a date?

At the end of that, Kai is riding me to my apartment and his not telling me anything about what he want to talking about, "You really not gonna tell me about that huh?"

"Nope hehe, lets wait untill tomorrow"

"Okay whatever" I'm rolling my eyes, but I'm smilling inside "Thanks for the ride by the way, see you tomorrow Kai"

"You too, I'm going now bye"

"I'm home" I said after closing the front door, there's no answer from the other, but thats not rare because I always be the first at home. I'm checking my phone and there is a messege from my sister

[Discontinued] introvert (Shin Yuna x Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now