departure day

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few days before re-registration

"So, you two just gonna leave me like that?" Yuri asked me while scooping her ice cream.

"I'm not leaving you Yuri, I'm just studying abroad, its only two semester though"

"Thats what I mean, you'll leave me for a whole year, who's gonna take me home after school then?"

"I gave you my scooter, remember? One whole year my cute-little guy is all yours, you can go home by your self. Besides you will be a colleger too, so be independent" She already missed me?, I'm not even leaving yet.

"Only a year?? I thought you giving it away to me" am I?

"Then what am I supposed to go to campus with when I'm back here? my foot?"

"Don't worry Yuri, I can take you home" finally Bryan speak up.

"You're not helping Bryan, I know you are going to UK as well" she said in disappointment

"No, I mean after that"

"Oh-I um, uh I mean I apreaciate it, thanks hehe" the heck is that? is she just... blushing?

"Okay how about this, we still have a few days left. Why don't we have some fun like," he's right. "Like going to the beach or maybe campfire, we never spent time together like that before, aren't we?", you know how college's life goes, right?

"Campfire sounds good to me", "Then we should go to the beach!!" me and Yuri said in unison.

"What?" Yuri said while facing me.

"What is what?, like I said campfire sounds good"

"No its not. Its sounds boring, I don't wanna waste my time starring at the burning pile of wood like a fool" she says that I'm a fool?

"And I don't like beach because of the crowd, there must be alot of people there"

"Hey hey hey chill, we can do both of that, and theres no crowd or something like that. My parent have a privat beach house in West Olive, how about it?" is that a good idea? I guess.

"Deal!!" Yuri agreed in excitment

"What? we don't even talk abou-" I try to argue

"Okay deal, now lets get home to preparing for tomorow"

"Tomorow? are you eve-"

"Cmon Woojun, we have nothing to talk about anymore, we have a trip tomorow"

I sighed in defeatment "Okay, whatever.." I'm rolling my eyes.

Bryan is driving us home now, he told me not to bring my scooter before we hang out, considering that we live in the same neighborhood. Yuri and him are friend as well, and we always hang out together like this on the weekend or even when we have free time. The three of us rarely hang out together like this lately because of college thing and Yuri have to prepare her final exams at her highschool.
Now is the moment for us, Yuri has finished her exams, me and Bryan just preparing our scholarships thing but its not take up much of our time.

"Okay we're here, I'll see you guys tomorow at 7 sharp"

"Thanks Byan", "See you then Bryan" Yuri and I waved goodbye at him and head in to the house.


the next day at Bryan's beach house

the next day at Bryan's beach house

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[Discontinued] introvert (Shin Yuna x Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now