47 | Spill The Beans

Start from the beginning


The next morning I woke up and sent out a group chat to everyone I wanted to meet me and Omar for breakfast. Ashley, Trev, Jada, Natalie and my mom. I wanted it to be those closest to me, they deserved to know this great news. Even though it hadn't been long since I'd found out, it was still killing me to keep it to myself.

"I just got off the phone with my mom, she's gonna stop by the diner for a bit before she meets with one of her business partners. I told her it was important," Omar announced.

He planted a kiss on my forehead as he pulled a black collared shirt over his head. I drooled as I glanced at his biceps and how they tensed up as he pulled the shirt down over his abs.

"Okay, I'm almost ready," I replied.

I stood in the middle of my closet trying to choose an outfit. Lately all I wanted to do was wear pajamas or robes but I needed to pull something together for this breakfast. I chose a one-piece black, red and white romper with matching strap white sandals. Cute but comfortable.

My phone begun to rang from my dresser, I picked it up and seen an incoming FaceTime call from Ashley, I slid the green button across my screen answering the call.

"Stranger! Your ass better be on the way to this damn diner I got a bone to pick with you ma'am," Ashley yelled.

I chuckled, "I'm about to leave the house now."

"See you soon biitchhh, bye," she replied disconnecting the line.

We left the house and drove about 15 minutes down the road to a nearby breakfast diner, it was only 11am but to me it felt like 6 in the morning. I yawned and stretched my arms widely as I stepped out of the car.

"Wake up girl," Omar joked.

I frowned, "I'm barely awake."

"Nah really, you don't say?," Omar joked.

We entered the diner and were greeted by a friendly hostess with a name tag that read "Mya".

"Good morning you guys welcome to Daphne's, is a booth okay?," she asked.

"Sure we need a big one though," I responded.

"Gotcha. Follow me."

We followed her closely to a huge booth that sat in the back of the diner, it sat 12 people which was more than enough.

"Thank you," I told the waitress, sliding down into one side of the booth.

"My pleasure. Your server is going to be Sarah, she'll be with you in a few, when your party arrives I'll direct them back here" she smiled, walking back to the front of the restaurant.

I nodded and began looking through the menu. I had a serious craving for some REAL breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, you name it.

"Ohhhh hey baby, I miss you so much," Omar's mom squealed pulling him into a bear hug. She must've been right behind us because she was the first to arrive.

"I miss you too mama, dang can I breathe though?," he joked.

She grinned widely, "Boy don't you try me."

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