As the light creeks and picks at my eyelids, I squint them open to the blinds I forgot to close. Man what time is it? I check my watch, 11:46am. Holy shit I slept in. I didn't even get changed, I slept in jeans and my shirt. I've never slept in my clothes before, Idk it feels weird. Wait y/n still has my jumper. Ah shit. I give out a morning groan and stretch my arms and legs out like a stretcher. I decide to stop being lazy and got up to get ready. I didn't check my phone once.

I trodded down the stairs in a new change of clothes, consisting of my blue hoodie and another pair of denim jeans. I great my dogs and and welcomed by my mum when I walk into the kitchen. "Oh Tom, you're finally awake! Thought you died on us for a second," she chuckled as she was putting away cutlery in cabinets. "Heh, just really tired from the last couple days," I go to the cupboard and grab some cornflakes to munch on. "Well you must've been really tired because you barely talked to us and you didn't touch your computer, and I actually slept well last night when you came back," she points out. I'm not listening though, I've grabbed milk and are just pouring it into a bowl, my head full of my first kiss, with a man. "Oi! You're spilling milk! God where you listening?" She snaps me back to reality so I can stop what I'm doing and put down the milk. "Hm? Pardon? Um, yeah I'm-" I pause for a second, thinking about what I'm really thinking and if it's worth telling them about. "-...fine, I'm good," I finish off while grabbing a sponge and cleaning up my mess. "Hey. Don't lie, Whats up." She stops what she's doing and gives me the stern 'mother voice', yknow the one she'd give you if she knew you were lying. I feel a chill run down my spine at the voice. Ah shit, no, I can't tell her, not yet atleast. I sigh. "Mum nothing's up, I'm fine! Like I said," I said trying not to break eye contact, which was hard as she was staring me down. "Tom I know when somethings up when it's up, and it is up. Listen if you don't wanna tell me, that's fine, but tell us eventually, 'right?" She assures. "*exhale* yes mum, I'm fine dont worry," I say resting my shoulders and grabbing my bowl. I give her a quick peck on the cheek and bring myself back into my room.

Alright, I've gotta man up and just dive head first sometimes. I mentally prepare myself as I grab my phone from it's charging port and go on insta to see if I have any messages from y/n. None. He might still be asleep actually. Either way I message him anyway.

Tommyinnitt>  gmorning y/n, hope you slept well, you tired? cus i am

It's simple, abit stale, but simple. Now I play the waiting game.

Y/ns Pov

My eyes are stiff with sleep crust as I open them with my head dug deep into my pillow. I didn't sleep too much last night, must've been why I slept in more than usual. Wonder if George is awake, eh probably not he's a lazy shit. I groan and pick my self up from my bed and lay up. I go to grab my phone after not touching it at all after last night. I anxiously and relectuantly turn the screen on and see a notification.

Message from: Tommyinnitt

That along with 90 other notifications. Besides that- a message from Tom, gosh what did he say? Wonder if he's finally calling me out, maybe spacing from me, maybe just ending the friendship. I take a sigh of acceptance of what might happen next, and open the notification.

Tommyinnitt> gmorning y/n, hope you slept well, you tired? Cus i am

"Oh thank the lord-" I mutter as the weight lifts of my shoulders.

Y/u/n> pfft morning
Y/u/n> yeah i slept like shit

Tommyinnitt> its hard being apart of tom simons life innit😌

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